Monday, April 20, 2009

So here's my problem, I hate going to the bathroom! It takes time out of my day! I could get SO much more done if I didn't have to go to the bathroom! Like really! I hate it! IT'S SUPER DUMB!

So my question :

When we die and are in our perfect resurrected bodies, will I still have to go to the bathroom!?!

I want feed back! REALLY! Leave me comments!

Love Mush!

Jess :)

JoSh'S BiRtHdAy!!!

First let me say *eh-hem*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE! I love you and appreciate you SO much! And I hope I didn't embarrass you tooooo bad for you birthday;)
I think I did ok on letting my Josh have his party! We sent out silly little invites (really, the were army tank shaped! They were silly!) And my Joshua got to have himself a Halo party! They wore silly army hats and stared intently at the screen!

And of course we women had fun too! We watched them become so very intent about their gaming! We also had fun deciding that their character names were their Stripper names (haha). My beloved Joshua was 'MuStArD', Kyle was 'CuStArD', Rob was 'NaPpY', and sweet Aaron came in last as (teehee) 'LuCkY'. (Robbie [not to be confused with Rob] did get to come and play but was not there for the stripper name giving)

I also got to have fun with Josh's cake! See ^ !!! It was kinda fun! (incase it's bad enough that you can't tell, or if you are just that un-gamey, it's the extra life mushromm from Mario!). And (because I rock) Josh got to have his confetti cake with confetti icing, and I got my chocolate!

He also got to have a party with family....but the pictures didn't turn out that great...So they be lacking from this page, But Josh tells me he had great times!
Of couse the rest of us ladies had fun! Maeby had fun thinking she was cute and flirting with Taryn! Mae had fun taking Maeby's toys and making her mommy chase her! And the last picture is just a really fun one that turned out! It was all a very fun time!
Closing statement:
Thank you to all those who brought stuff to the party, and thank you to all those who came, period! Josh had a lovely time and was sooo happy you came!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Let me start with a statement :


So I've found that a lot of people have serious issues with just letting things be!

I have a reacuring moment when I'm reminded in little ways that I'm still baby fatty and I "need to buy new clothes". To this I say one, no right havest thou! I'm reminded everyday when I look in my mirror or when I try to fit into my old clothes, and I'm trying to convince myself that it's ok, but I don't need help from other people. And did it ever acure to these people that I'm still kinda working on it? I dunno, it's like it's hard losing baby fat and trying to keep baby happy at the same time! woosh, big concept there! Tee hee.

Another one that people seem to be kinda silly about is my girls nights out or when I go dancing period. Firstly : I love going to play with my friends! It's so fun to forget for a little while that I'm a "grown up" and a mommy, and just have fun! Dancing makes me feel good! But I have, hmm... people that are silly about it. "They" think it's silly that, one : I go dancing with out my husband, two : it's silly and imature, and a new one that I don't go or I leave early from partys or other things to go play (when I've made these plans AT LEAST a month in advance so I can make sure I can go). My things with all of this is that for the girls night out, Josh is happy that I go dancing, he likes that I go have fun! And I like that it's silly and immature! It makes me feel good to have my fun. But my biggest thing is that all these people don't know what I'm going through, and if this is something that makes me happy then so be it!

My last one is just people telling me how I need to do things. I'm a big girl now! I pay house payments and everything! And I think I'm doing ok. I don't think I need "you" telling me "well Jess, you should be doing this" or "not doing this". I've got it, and if not, I'll either ask for help or I'll figure it out on my own. I've got this :).

My ending statement is that I'm having hard times, and all of the people that give me a hard time don't know any of it. Some of them don't even talk to me outside certain ocassions and therefore don't know me or whats going on and have no right telling me it's silly or I look fat or I shouldn't be doing it. Now don't get me wrong, have your oppinion, if you want to think that all the power in the world to you! Go tell your friends or you husband, family, what ever, but don't tell me I'm doing it wrong.

Live and let live:) I got this:)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"Seven names. Seven strangers. One secret."

So we finally got to see Seven Pounds, and it was a wonderful movie! truely wonderful!

The only problem is I'm not sure I can even try a real reveiw with out ruining the whole I might just findsomething online...

Will Smith (Ben Tomas) a man at a crossroads. He embarks on a journey to help change the circumstances of seven strangers who deserve a second chance in life. But when he opens his heart to a beautiful woman who needs his help, he risks everything he's planned for one last chance at love.

I would definately suggest buying this one or at least rent it! Will Smith does a fabulous job! Yet again!

Actors : Will Smith

Rosario Dawson
Rating : PG-13

My Rating : A+