Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy 22

This years birthday was AMAZING! It kinda blew last years birthday out of the water!

To recap :
Last year I was prego -
10 days away from my due date prego.
We were dirt poor.
Josh worked until about 6.
To celebrate we window shopped at the mall.
Joshua tried to make it nice for me, but with all of the factorsit just didn't work out for me.

So this year we decided to celebrate on the monday before my birthday because - lucky me - my birthday landed on Josh's meeting day again.

So we started out with my present from Joshua! *Drum-roll please*

It's true! I'm the LUCKIEST woman ever! Joshua found this deal like two months ago (and what a fabulous deal it was!) and snagged it! It pays for air fair and hotel stay and some come with shows! There are six choices and I get to choose four of them! I'm thinking we're going to go with the four in the picture:) Now all we have to do is wait for a good weekend...well...we have to wait for Josh to work up sick time and time off. And then we get to go! My Joshua is amazing!

So after that we went and dropped the Maeby-baby at her grandmas house. Then we went to the mall and got to (ironically) window shop, and then we went to a movie:) I already saw Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, but Josh hadn't seen it so we went and saw it! In 3D none the less! It was really fun! Then we got to go to dinner at Pams house:) and....Josh got sick. So we didn't stay for very long. But it was good food:)

Then on my birthday Josh came home from his meeting with PIZZA and a ROB!!!! And then my KRISTY and WHITNEY (and her wee one) came later!!! My Joshua surprised me!!! It was so great! I love seeing my friends! And then friends with pizza is just AMAZING!!!

So I would like to say thank you to my Joshua! He has make this birthday OOH so fabulous!

Friday, October 16, 2009

To Move or not to...wait....Nope, Defiately moving.

I felt like blogging but I couldn't decide what and the flip of the coin it to inform everyone of what they already know...*eh-hem*


Thats right! The Welch family is leaving stinky old ogden!!! Don't get me wrong. Ogden is not as bad as everyone says it is. I just don't like it. It's to far away. We're very very excited about the move!

The Story :

Josh has been trying to get a transfer closer to West Valley for a while now and then outa nowhere a position opened up in Bountiful, not super close, but he jumped on it like a fat kid on a cup cake! Took about a week but then we found out Josh got it! Same hours same schedule, but the commision should be more (I hate commision). And so far Josh is liking it way much! Probably just because he doens't have to deal with his old managers any more...but he still likes it. Ware house is father away, but because the job and warehouse are farther away Josh gets a company car that just happens to be...*looks around*...*checks again*.... A PRIUS!!! Very much excitement on Josh's part there.

So the curant plan is as follows :

Step one : Get Josh a transfer. (CHECK)

Step two : Pack up the house.

Step three : Move in with Mommy and Papi until house sells.

Step four : House sells.

Step five : Look for (probabaly) a nice trailer.


And thus is our plan:). We like our plan and we're REALLY hoping it works for us. We're planning on moving out of the house the monday after Halloween. I can't wait to leave Ogden!

List of Things I Will Miss :

1 : My house :(

2 : The closeness of the mall.

3 : A grand total of 3 people.

And thus is our plan as it stands! I thank you again for all your listening ears! Luv Mush!