Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dr. Huang is my HERO!

So I've started watching Law and Order SVU
(started season 5 now I'm gonna start at the begining >))
and Dr, Huang is the psychiatrist on the show and I LOVE HIM! And today I'm sharing with you the knowledge that I learned from watching it!

Background : It was an episode about how the "cool" group of girls in school ruined this other girls life, and then one of the popular girls ended up dead (in the trunk of her own car), and the other 3 girls - her best friends - in the popular group did it because of something that the "head girl" made her do. It was intense.


So Dr. Huang (pronounced "Wong" which is Ironic cause that's his really last name) talked to the "head girl" to see if she really was psychotic (she was), and then cam out to talk to the other detectives to tell them what went on and told them way girls (as apposed to boys) can be SOOO distructive!

The jist :

Boys are brought up to express their emotions, to let it all out, to "be boys". While girls are brought up to be nice and proper and smile about what ever happens. So when crap happens in high school, boys get ticked about whats happened, they yell and scream and duke it out, then 20 minutes later they're smiling and laughing about it. And then there are girls, who are taught to be polite to people, so instead of going to there friend and say "YO! this is whats up!" *tee*hee* they talk to their other friends, and they talk to their friends and so on and so on till it becomes a rumor, but they can't just talk about it, so they stay ticked and then they never speak again.

And I was like WHOOOAAA!!! It was intense! the light bulb above my head went off!

So to all my girly friends : this is why you hate that girl you were best friends with when you were three:)

Thanks for reading my rambling!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Things That Make Jessica Smile

Thats right! An ENTIRE blog about things that make me giggle:) ENJOY!

LoL saw this on a card:)
Ah TaeToe:) May you rest in peace...

And second to last but CERTAINLY not second to least last : I LOVE LOVE LOVE short bus jokes:)

And Most of all I LOVE watching my Baby DANCE!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

So Grateful

I'm so grateful for everything I have today. More importantly the gospel, and my loving husband and beautiful daughter.

We went to a baby blessing today. My husband got to stand in the circle. And it just made me realize how very lucky I am to have the gospel. Because my heavenly father loves me so much he made it possible for my family to be a FOREVER family. Our baby was able to be born in the covenant and be blessed by her loving father. I'm so lucky, I get to spend the rest of eternity with the people I love most in the whole wide world.

While watching the blessing and Josh and the other men going up to stand in the circle as this sweet baby was blessed, it dawned on me how lucky I am to have my Josh. There are so many people out there, men and women, who are willing to sacrifice their forever family and their eternal blessing for the silly things of this world. And I'm lucky enough to have found a man to take me to the temple, to be sealed to me and our family for time and all eternity. It's so easy to get lost along the path, and I got lucky enough to find my someone special who will stay on that path with me to help me, and me to help him.

I'm just so grateful for my forever family. So grateful to my heavenly father who knew me well enough to send someone here to be with me, who can take me to the temple, and be with me and my little girl forever. I'm so grateful for how He helps us stay strong, and be there for us when we stumble to help us get back on the path. I love my husband and I am so grateful for all that he has done for me and for my little girl. I would be lost without him.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My New Toy!!!

I got a new toy! It's very exiting! It's a Nikon Coolpix, the kind that Ashton Kutcher (?) uses in his commercials, So yeah it's kind of like I'm a celebrity now:) Any who, I've been have WAY too much fun taking pictures of...oh...just about EVERYTHING! I love it! I'm definately thinking that I need to convince Josh to take me somewhere pretty so I can take pictures!

As side notes :
I'm so happy to be back home. I dunno what it is, it's prolly just that I'm in my own space again. Maeby is kinda sleeping better...kinda. Once again it's not like OH MY GOSH sleeping better but it's prolly just that we're in separate rooms that makes it seem better. :).

Maeby is getting SO BIG! It's amazing! She loves, loves, loves her barney tape, we watch the SAME episode of least 3 times a day everyday:). And her "vocabulary" is getting bigger too! The list : She says : Dog, Ball, Balloon (sound like ball but she definately thinks she's saying balloon), fish, mush, Dada, Mama, Shoe (any thing with an "sh" in it is just "SHH" but she knows the difference:)), No (more of a "Nnn" but still:)), and woof-woof (for what the dog says)...And I think that's it... And she can sign : candy, food, dog, Daddy, cheese, red, orange, and blue, more...I think there are more but I can't think of them...OH! and she knows what the fish and the snake say:) Like I said she's getting so big! AHH! and you should see her Dance-a-Dance! AHH!!! she's got some crazy hip action:) LoL

Another plus of being home is I've decided that I'm not going to be uber worried about the house selling:) I love my house and if I'm going to have to live here for a bit then I'm going to be happy about it:) And as such for my deciding to not worry to much about moving, I've never really wanted to get into decorating because we never planned on staying here long, BUT now I've decided I'm going to start! So I'm finally going to get curtains in Maeby's room that match the pain on the walls and I'm going to do the Back room! I'm very excited:)

I'm SUPER excited for our anniversary this year! You see our issue is that Josh got me that AMAZING vacation package for my birthday, but then we found out that we would have to pay airfair and we have not the fundage for that (side note : we are trying to sell it if any one is interested. For friends I would only ask $250). So then we were going to set aside tax return money and do a couple days staying in salt lake, but then we realized getting someone to tend Maeby for 3 days would not work and we had extra bills come out so no dice. So now we're just gonna do a Day Date:) a WHOLE day! Gonna get up early and spend the whole day just the two of us doing fun things that we like :) and I'm WAY excited!

I think I'm going to stop chattering now:)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Can a Girl Get some Help!?!

K so here be the deal!
This is my Back Room -Say "hello" back room...
Back Room need some work done. Back room needs a new coat of paint and curtains and shelving. Problem is that I suck at deciding anything! (no joke, ask Josh, it's bad)

So I want OPINIONS! TONS OF THEM! I need a color on the walls and a suggestion on where to put apposed to the bogus "rack" thing I'm using right now!
Keep in mind Jessica likes bright-happy colors and the weird brown carpet and the brown ceiling are staying.

Jessica and Back Room thank you for your support and suggestions in this moment of such amazing change!