Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Name That Plant

K so I gots these two plants in my backyard and I don't know what they are and I'm hoping someone can tell me.

This first one, I swear I've seen it before I just can't tell what it is! And I really like it so I'd like to know how to keep it alive!!!

The second one I'm thinking is an herb. It smells like something...but I can't place it...and I'd feel all special if I had an herb growing in my backyard:) its all unintentional green-thumb:)

So if someone wanted to tell me what they are that would be AWESOME! And it would get you an automatic 30 points!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So the thing I figured out : being a grown up in some ways come fast an other things it takes a bit for you to finally realize "hey..I need to do that...". Like, you know you have bills to pay and you have to do the dishes and mow the yard. But we - in the three years we've lived here have NEVER done this much yard work! So now I blog!

So we've been working on getting our garden started inside and we've SUPER been needing to clean out the garden area. So we did! we had to weed and take out a wee stump and move all the onions to one side and build up the border a little bit and sift the dirt and pull out rocks and we had to make a path so the neighbor kids wouldn't walk all over my garden and WOOSH! but it looked great in the end! Really should've taken a "before" picture to show you allllllllll the stuff we did!

Now that I look at it though...I think I'm gonna take out the red stones in the front...they look goofy. Hmm...maybe use them as the stepping stones...thoughts?

And now all we gotsta do is move the seedlings outside:) Go team go:) And I only got myself injured a few times:
Scraped my head
Smacked my thumb *I could've sworn I fractured something*
Smashed my finger *insomuch that mean angry words came out*

And then when cleaning up I thought to myself, I said "Jessica, with all these rocks you found you should clean out the under the hose spot and lay the rocks there so it's less yucky!" So I went to go do so and LO! Apparently one of the previous owners already did that! So I cleaned it out all nice! I'm so happy!
AND we found nifty stuff too! We found a stone tile (from like the 1940's), a mussel shell, a black widow!
And Josh was such a good sport about it too! He hates yard work, and not growing up with a garden he thought the clearing out the space part was particularly dumb:) But he was very good and helpfull:)

I think thats it.


Saturday, May 1, 2010's hard stuff...

Lately I've been having this thing. A weight thing. yeah. For like the last year and a half.
My issue :
Before I had the baby I was SOOO happy with how much I weighed. I weighed between 145 and 150 and I was happy with me:)
Then I got prego, and dealt with the weight I gained cause you can't exactly diet while prego. I think the highest I got was...195...I think. And then I had Mae:) and for a while I actually lost some weight:) I got to like 170 ish...but then it just stopped coming off.
I tried doing a few more things
*treadmill*new videos*crunches*
But nothing worked :(
Then we lived with my family for a while. And that was great for my weight!
Cause you see I'm one of those people that - as sad as it is - likes to be "better" than everyone else. (like really I loved PE in school because I knew I wasn't' the fasted but I could got faster than other people! And it made me feel good!)
So we moved back in with my family. And I'd always been "the small one" so it was nice to be back..."at that place". It made me WANT to get skinny again. And my parents have that Wii Fit game, and it was fun to beat peoples scores doing that ^.^ .
But now we're back at home and I'm stuck again.
The sadness is that I don't eat a ton. REALLY. My calorie count through out the day, I would wager is about...1200-1400...maybe. And then I have this little creature with pigtails that decides everytime I want to do my work out video that she MUST have me hold her.
*no joke. she's fine until I start it, and then the tantrum insues*
So I'm stuck. I float around 180 now. I hate it. REALLY. And I can't get myself to kick it. And you know the whole "I'm a competitive person" thing. It's hard to be competitive with a person who walks everywhere during the day, and is right at "normal" on the weight chart.
*I love you Josh*
It's just no good. I'm trying to be happy with Jessica, but it's hard when Jessica is 30 pounds over where she really wants to be.
So I guess if you have any awesome ideas, through them at me.
I might shoot them down...
But throw them at me any way:)

But I do LOVE this picture ^.^
And I would like to thank those that participated in this unfilled experience!