Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Movies I HAVE to see:)

This is a movie called "Easy A" and this video is HI-LARIOUS!

And Then this is actually what the movie is about:) I think I want to go see it:) yeah, think so:)


And the next one that I command that EVERYONE SEE! is The new M. Night movie:) called "Devil" Me and Kristy have and outstanding date set for Sept 17 to see this movie! Check it!

Go see it! I command you!


Preface to Wordless Wednesday

So I saw this on another blog and I REALLY want to start it so I'm going to tomorrow, but I have to tell you now cause I can't tomorrow:)

Let me explain.

I am a super right brained person:) I love pictures and looking at life in different ways. So the other day when I ran across some random blog I decided it was SO a Jessica thing:) How it works : you post a picture. That is it. No words, no explanation, nothing. Thus Wordless Wednesday and why I had to tell you today as apposed to tomorrow:) So the picture will either be a picture that I love or one that explains the mood I'm in, or maybe even one that I've drawn. I'm all about pictures trying to tell you something, they are a way of expressing what your feeling or how you look at things (as is art):) And since I'm a super artsy person (or at least I think so:)) So they'll be pictures I've taken or a picture I've taken of a picture I've drawn:) lol. I'm SUPER excited about this:) I still don't know what I'm going to post!

Any way so thats how things are going to work:) I guess if you really wanna know what the picture I post is about you can comment and ask me what the heck is going on...but thats up to you:)

OH! and incase your a nerd like me and like taking random tests about random things *tee-hee* Then here's a link to a quiz to tell you whether your more right or left brained:

as always, enjoy life, have fun and rub some dirt in it:)

The End.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I got this in an Email and again I HAD to share!!!
All these came from a GED examination, the questions are for real and the answers will SHOCK YOU SILLY! The saddest part is there's a good chance these children will breed...

Q. Name the four seasons
A. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar

Q. Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink
A. Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists

Q. How is dew formed
A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire

Q. What causes the tides in the oceans
A. The tides are a fight between the earth and the moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins the fight

Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on
A. If you are buying a house they will insist that you are well endowed

Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections
A. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an election

Q. What are steroids
A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs

Q.. What happens to your body as you age
A. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental

Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty
A. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery

Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes
A. Premature death

Q. What is artificial insemination
A. When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow

Q. How can you delay milk turning sour
A. Keep it in the cow

Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorised (e.g. The abdomen)
A. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A, E, I,O,U..

Q. What is the fibula?
A. A small lie

Q. What does 'varicose' mean?
A. Nearby

Q. What is the most common form of birth control
A. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a condominium

Q. Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarean section'
A. The caesarean section is a district in Rome

Q. What is a seizure?
A. A Roman Emperor.

Q. What is a terminal illness
A. When you are sick at the airport.

Q. Give an example of a fungus. What is a characteristic feature?
A. Mushrooms. They always grow in damp places and they look like umbrellas

Q. Use the word 'judicious' in a sentence to show you understand its meaning
A. Hands that judicious can be soft as your face.

Q. What does the word 'benign' mean?
A. Benign is what you will be after you be eight

Q. What is a turbine?
A. Something an Arab or Shreik wears on his head

HAHAHA!!! Is that not sadley amusing:)

The End.


you gho to this blog use the little logo and get the questions then use them! Ta-Da!

1. How many pets do you have?

2. If you could switch places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?

3. What is your favorite money saving tip?

4. What do you want your kids to be when they grow up?

5. What is your favorite quote?

1. Clay:) he's my old fatty:)I got him for my 10th birthday ...he's ...12/13 ish:) he's been my bestie when I was alllll alone:) he's a favorite:)

2. Me, 3 years ago. no joke:) just for one day, I'd like to go back to before we married, when we were still kids, with out a care in the world:) it was all about fun and heaven forbid anyone get in our way:) back before cares and all we knew was love and having a good time:) living life to the fullest. with out bills, without a mortgage with out kids. Just being kids. carefree.

3.HAHA! I like this one! Don't eat out. don't eat out, no soda. and in between shopping trips if you run out of something DON'T go to the store to buy it, work around it:)

4. Happy:) As long as she's happy she can be what ever she wants:)

5. oh snap...I gots so like you can't die, love like you won't get hurt and dance like noones watching.
I need a new one I'm up to hearing new ones:) go ahead, leave me a comment with your favorite quote:)

The End:)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Moments Like This:)

This just seemed to be one of those moments:) you know, the moments that they right about in country songs that make mommy's cry:) So I thought I'd share:)

In our packing I had to re-pack my wedding shoes and bouquet and Maeby put on my shoes, and picked up my bouquet and proceeded to prance around the living room:)It was just very sweet:) I love my baby:)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our House


ASKING PRICE : $69,000

It's a perfect starter home, and would be great for college goers:). It's the most charming house on the street. Just off exit 341 (31st street exit). It's just 5 minutes from the Newgate Mall and Downtown Ogden. And less then ten miles from Weber State University.


Sp. Feet : 1286 Ft
Bedrooms : 2
Cooling : Evaporative Cooler
Acres : 0.16
Bathrooms : 1
Heating : Forced Air

Master bedroom has a walk-in closet. Shed in the Backyard. The basedment is listed as a "crawlspace" and is mostly for storage. Hose comes with the stove, dishwasher and piano. The living room has dark hardwood floors. The house also has a BIG front porch.

*living room*

*other half of living room*

*master bedroom*


*still the kitchen*

*2nd bedroom*

If your interested pleeeaaaaase call RANDY BENOIT with any questions or to set up a time to do a tour at 801-546-1625

Thank you for all your support and hoop-la.

The End.

The House That Built Me / Temperary Home

Those are the songs that seem to best describe whats going on:)

The story:

Yes, we've moved. Yes, again. Moved back into our house last...February...March...yeah, something like that. Things were GOING GREAT. Then Josh lost his job. *curses coke* We let Josh try on a commission job and... well... *imitates the sound of a plane crashing and burning*. So after about...a month and a half, he got himself a new job, at Applebees:) and he likes it:). But it doesn't pay enough. So after about a month and a half of that we decided that we weren't going to make it. And after a lot of angry figuring of things out, we decided ( much as you can "decide" when backed into a corner) to put the house up for (short) sale. Then a couple weeks later Josh's job called and told him they had an opening in the West Valley Store:) So in two weeks, we made the plans and then moved! I'm proud of that:) all moved in two weeks with minimal break downs:).


So now we're up/down in West Valley. Living with the Madre and Padre. Josh is so far loving the West Valley store! I'm...making adjustments:) learning to deal. But this next week we're looking into getting Josh into some kind of certification course/class. Something like getting a CNA. If I've looked into it right it only takes a matter of weeks as apposed to years:) So we're planning on getting him into that, then he can get a good job that pays well enough. Then Sell the house. Then since Josh will have a good job he can decide what he wants to do with his life, and we can get him enrolled in school:). And then hopefully by the time we get him enrolled in school, shortly there after I'm hoping we'll be well on our feet and be able to find ourselves a new abode:).

So there you go there is the story:) So if anyone wants to help us find details on Josh getting his CNA that would be AWESOME! And then after this post I'm going to do another with our house for sale info, and it would REALLY help if you could pass the information along to any one who is looking for a house that would be VERY helpfull.

Any way thats the story:) Now that I'm in West Valley now I expect you Wess-siders to play with me more! Let me know when things are happening! Love you all!

The End.

In case you haven't heard these songs:)

Temporary Home - Carrie Underwood

The House That Built Me - Miranda Lambert

Friday, August 20, 2010

Military Humor

Got this in an Email and I HAD to share:) ENJOY!


Le Cinco Questionino Fridayo

That right those are my mad Spanglish skills:) and it's that time again!

1. Do you have any nicknames and if so how did it come about?

2. What is your birth order amongst your siblings?

3. In a movie of your life, who would play your significant other?

4. What is currently your favorite song?

5. Are you saving your money for anything right now? Big or small purchase?

1. In Jr. High I was Peaches...I've been JJ...Jess - obviously...Thats pretty much it. oh, Peaches was like princes peach from mario...

2. I'm the oldest *22* Paul is next at 20, then Ellen who is 16 and my baby brother Hal who is 11.

3. Zac Effron:)

4. wow...I gots so many...Lately I've become very fond of Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood.

5. HAHA! oh man...I could go off like I nuclear bomb on this question. But I'll put my answer at, yes and no. Currently just trying to dig ourselves out, and then saving for a new place of residence.

The END!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Ok so you know how I said I'm a SUPER over excited crafty person? I see something new and crafty and I HAVE TO DO IT!?! And I'm slightly afraid this site has ruined me :/ I really wanna make a trip to the DI now!

Check it :

Now albeit I don't like allllll of the outfits she comes up with I looooovve the idea of it! Gosh! So all a twitter for trying this out!

Luv Mush!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10 *SoNgS* I love

I'm putting a spin on it, cause Shalay said I could on her blog:) I never play on youtube a lot but then when I do I'm on there for like an hour! So here are some significant songs/videos to Jessica:)

1. Kelly Clarkson - Since U Been Gone

Haha:) good times:) way back in high school! Shalay's boyfriend had just broken up with her and this was her theme song:) every time I hear it I remember us rocking out to it:) Good times:)

2. Kelly Clarkson - Walk Away

This is one of *in my opinion* the best music videos ever:)I love that everyone starts slowly jamming out:) It's SO FAVORITE!!!

3. Cascada - Everytime We Touch

The is also one of the best video's ever! Again with the random people braking out in song and dance out of nowhere! That and this song came out my senior year so everytime I hear it I remember jumping around with all my best friends my senior year:)Amazing song:)

4. Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

Thats right along with every other person in the world to two x chromosomes I LOVE THIS SONG! It is also one of the best videos! Random braking out in song and dance:)

5. Come What May

This is our song:) But I love you until the end of time. Come What May.

6. Michael Buble - Everything

This is our unofficial our song:) Amazing song:)It's just so cute! And it's Michael Buble! AH!

7. Michael Buble - Haven't Met You Yet

AH! again MICHAEL BUBLE! He's amazing! And it's a video with random braking out in song and dance in a completely random place:)

8. Hoedown Throwdown!!

Because I'm a GIANT nerd:) This is one of the funnest line dance EVER! And I posted this video so if ever you decide to become a super nerd like me you can learn it too:)

9. Jump5 - Spinnin' Around

Again:) super old song:) Ellen got a CD with a dvd with music videos on it and Me and her and Brandi tried learning all the dance moves to this:) But really I just think it's a really cute song!

10. Uncle Kracker - Follow Me

I remember this song coming out when I was in like 7th grade! And I still love this song!

And then taking another idea from Shalay:)

One song that I COMPLETELY hate :
(I appoligize for subjecting all those that read this to this song. I'm sorry)

The Cucumber Song

This song should die. And the people that wrote it should perish forever in a flaming pit of sharp pointing things where they are forced to eat nothing but cucumbers for the rest of eternity. The End.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Five question Friday

It's true:) here it is again:) And here I go again:)

1. Have you ever visited another country?

2. Where is the strangest place you have ever been?

3. What is your favorite season?

4. What one song will always cheer you up?

5. What Disney character do you resemble most?

1.Nope. (well that was easy)

2. hmm...Honestly...I have no idea. not the slightest idea...sorry.

3.I love spring:) when all the trees are blooming:) I love it:)

4. Oh, I have SO many:) carrie underwood - before he cheats. taylor swift - you belong with me. Cascada - every time we touch.

5. really? I personally think I don't resemble any cartoons...cause they're cartoons...and..I'm not.

The End:)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 Things I LOVE

I got this idea from my awesome friend Shalay And I STOLE IT! HA! So the gyst is that one goes through random phases where I LOVE LOVE LOVE certain things and this is just a way to shine light on those little things every so often:)

1. Heelers:)

I love Heelers! Red, Blue, it doesn't matter! I think there just so cute! They don't get huge, they aren't lap dogs, they're just perfect! This sweet puppy is a red and blue heeler mix, and he was just too cute! AH!


I forget about this movie for huge chunks at time and then I listen to the CD and BAM! I'm listening to it nonstop for days:) Not to mention that Zac Efron is in it:) he's pretty much amazing:) He would get one of these slots but he's not a random love, he is a constant:)

3. Short Bus Jokes:)

I don't know what it is, but I love love LOVE short buss jokes:) no matter what is wrong, a short bus joke will always make me smile:)

4. Chuck Norris Jokes:)
*insert picture of Chuck Norris doing something amusing right here*
Not quite as amazing as short bus jokes, but still pretty darn amazing:)
Chuck Norris found Nemo.
Some people where superman pajama's, superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.
Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.
Before the Boogey-man goes to bed he checks the closet for Chuck Norris.

5. My Camera/Taking Pictures

I'm a super crafty person, I find something I wanna do and I'm hooked:) as long as I'm half decent anyway:) And I take my AMAZING camera with me everywhere! It's so FUN!

6.The Kitties that Live(d) on my Porch

We've had Kittens living on our porch for the last couple weeks:) And they've brought me many smiles:) The *(d)* in the title is that they don't live on my porch any more:( But this counts because I was going to post this this morning when they did live on my porch, but then this afternoon we had the shelter pick them up. Mama had left them just a couple days ago, and two of them weren't eating much and we couldn't keep them. Any way! the twins were Snoops and Snickers, they were gray and white and The one in the picture is Jelly-Bean:) She is all black and such a sweety:) she'd just come sit on me and curl up on my chest:) She was super sweet:) I would've kept her if she hadn't stopped eating and if we could've afforded to get her fixed....But Yeah, so Snickers was a little stand offish, she didn't play with us much. Snoops, turned into an oinker! She was the one who was not getting skinny:) And then of course Jelly-Bean who was just the best:)

I love netflix:) I love watching movies and this is like blockbuster but for only 9.63 a month!! My only problem with it is that I've finished watching all the seasons I wanted to see...So now...I'm pretty much down to the x-files...But at least I've got one:)

8.Peaches and Whipped Cream:)

I don't know what it is, its just so simply amazing:) it's so yummy:)

9. Independance Day/The Proposal
Both of these movies I just can't get enough of! Any time, any mood, these movies are GREAT!

*Sidenote* the craziest green bug just landed on my shoulder:)*End Sidenote*

10. Leaving the curtains open on sunny summer days:)
It's one of those silly simple things that just make life seem like...*sigh* yah know? It's makes the house seem so warm and bright and clean:) it's definately a favorite:)

The End.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Five Question Friday

It's true! here we go again! oh! it dawns on me, if you want to to this too, you can see the original blog, all you gots to do is type in the blog address at the bottom of the picture. Much love:)

1. Are you a neat sleeper or a messy sleeper?

2. Fill in the blank. I wish I was more ________________.

3. What is something that you wish you had been warned about?

4. What was the best thing you ever found at a garage sale/flea market?

5. If you could have any meal brought to you right now, what would it be?

1. the middle. I can be neet but if it's too toasty or if josh is hogging the bed/covers I tend to ruin the tidy-ness.

2. Happy.

3. umm...I wish that I had been warned that Josh was going to loose his job this last spring.

4. I honestly don't shop at garage ever...

5. oh snap...crab legs. crab legs sound REALLY good:)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Hubby:)

What is his name? Joshua Stuart Welch
How long have you been married? for...just over 3 years:)
How long did you date? (before engaged...) 11 months
How old is he? 24:)
Who eats more sweets?*sniff*
Who said I love you first? He did:)
Who is taller? He is:)
Who can sing better? hmm....yes.
Who is smarter? Josh. I have words in my head, but then I think I lost a filter at some point so they words in my head never leave my mouth right....
Who does the laundry? Me :P I hate laundry
Who pays the bills? well...he's the one working...but with out me he would be so lost and he knows it:)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? my right or your right? if your looking at the bed...Josh.
Who mows the lawn? Josh:) I've never mowed the lawn before in my life:)
Who cooks dinner? Me.
Who drives? LoL when Josh thinks he can handle the threat to his manhood he lets me:)
Who is more stubborn? I think I am...
Who kissed who first? He kissed me:)
Who asked who out first? He asked me:)
Who proposed? He did:)
Who has more siblings? Haha! see that all depends on how you look at it:) he has 2 "full blood" siblings, 3 "half" siblings, and ..*starts counting*... 3 step siblings...So to for him he either has 2, 3, 4, 7, or (all together) 8:) But he usually he thinks of it as having 5:) oh, so I have 3 so he wins:)
Who wears the pants? ...I'm thinking I do..I'm kinda a nazi...But I share:)