Friday, April 15, 2011

Kiddie Krafts -Random:)

I've been meening to start posting pictures of the crafts I do with my baby and the one I babysit so that if other mommy's out there need something to do they can use these ideas:)

These ones are just the random ones that we've done willy nilly:)


The girls had so much fun making these:) and so easy! it's just a toilet paper roll and they glued TONS of fuzzies to them and googlie eyes (just as many eyes as fuzzies in my babies case:)) then we used pipe cleaners to do the antena and teeth:) then cause we're all girly we sprayed them with hairspray and then sprinkled glitter on them:)

Painting Bread
Another one that the girls LOVED doing! little bit of food coloring in water, all different colors, then they paint the bread and you put it in the toaster:) My baby loved it:) and loved eating the toast, the other one isn't super huge on eating so she wasn't excited about eating it...but she did love to do it:)

Ok,so we didn't really "make" these but how cute are they!?! we got the flip flops and the cuteness stuff at Michaels:) they're just so CUTE!!!

Monster puppets:)

Just paper sack puppets made to look like monstrs but the girls had fun gluing:)

Popcorn Trees
I cut out the shapes and the girls got to glue them to the paper -always fun- and then for popcorn I used little wadded balls of white paper...I was going to do popcorn but then I realized the bagged stuff would leave the paper all greasy and I didn't have the makings for air popped popcorn at the time...but yeah. And we got to sing the amazing popcorn popping on the appricot tree song:)

There you go:) hope someone appriciates this:)

The End:)