Thursday, March 28, 2013

How Would You Feel?

Ok, this is going to be one area where I feel really good about blogging again :)
 I can get on and let out all the thoughts in my head :) 

The latest one that just makes me feel so sad is Gay Marriage. LoL lets refraze that. It is not Gay marriage in it's self that makes me sad, Heavens no, it's the people on both sides of the fence that make me feel sad. There is so much anger. For anyone that doesn't know I don't like anger, it makes me crazy uncomfy :). And for those people who have choosen a side and are harshly crying out their battle cry I say these words.

For those Pro :
I know some that are very pro, even some that would benifit greatly from Gay Marriage (And love them DEEPLY!) and I know there are definately acceptions to what I'm going to say. BUT I know some that are pro and are angry. And I don't know how people that are so pro, and fighting for freedom of Love but are shouting angry words to convey their message. It seems counter productive to this passive person :)

For those that are Against :
(this is where my rant lies)
Along with the "very pro" I know many that are "very against". The saddest part to the very against people (and again, exclude the ecceptions) is that some of them share my belief system (LDS IN THE HOUSE!!!). And I think those people make me saddest of all. And here is why.

There is a group of people that lived, oh...160 some odd years ago. A happy people :) they loved each other, they loved where they lived, and above all they loved their beliefs. Saddly though, the city people, decided that they were none to fond of these people. And after a time, the city saddly passed an "extermination proclamation". Can you imagine? These people were not trying to make the city as a whole join their group, they were not forcing anyone to do anything. And still the city forced them to leave. All because of their beliefs.

Any guesses on who these people were?

I'll give you a hint :
Our beloved ancestors. Cast out because of their beliefs. 

Can you imagine what our ancestors would say to some of the angry words that are posted on facebook status's? Seeing us put down another group simply because of their beliefs?

They weren't asking the city of Nauvoo to convert, for all to join our religion. They only asked for a place to live. An accepting place to live out their lives.

I'm not saying that you have to vote "pro" to Gay Marriage. I'm saying they deserve to live in peace, just as the rest of us do :) To just be happy :)

Thanks for listening:)

Go hug someone :)

The End :)

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