Monday, October 3, 2011

Halloween Crafting!!!

Yay for Halloween! 
I don't think I can say that enough! I love Halloween! And we've had so much fun with it this year - seeing as how I can decorate my own place:)
Baby had such fun doing this one:) SUCH fun:) And she runs over to dance with him all the time:) AND it is so a dollar store craft! Paper plates and yarn! thats it!
And number dos:
My wreath! I've found that I soooo love making wreaths:) they're so fun!!! And this one is Dollar store craftyness too! Streamer paper, skull, red felt paper, and wreath! ALL from the dollar store! oh! even the glitter is from the dollar store!
And this is so NOT the end of my crafting! Just you wait to see Baby's costume! I made it all by my onzie, She is going to look so stinking cute!

The End! Peace Out!