Monday, October 3, 2011

Halloween Crafting!!!

Yay for Halloween! 
I don't think I can say that enough! I love Halloween! And we've had so much fun with it this year - seeing as how I can decorate my own place:)
Baby had such fun doing this one:) SUCH fun:) And she runs over to dance with him all the time:) AND it is so a dollar store craft! Paper plates and yarn! thats it!
And number dos:
My wreath! I've found that I soooo love making wreaths:) they're so fun!!! And this one is Dollar store craftyness too! Streamer paper, skull, red felt paper, and wreath! ALL from the dollar store! oh! even the glitter is from the dollar store!
And this is so NOT the end of my crafting! Just you wait to see Baby's costume! I made it all by my onzie, She is going to look so stinking cute!

The End! Peace Out!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Truths For Mature Humans

Truths For Mature Humans

1 - I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear you computer history if you die.2 - Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize your're wrong.
3 - I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
4 - There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
5 - How the heck are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
6 - Was learning cursive really necessary?

7 - Map Quest really needs to start their directions on #5. I'm ptretty sure I know how to get out of my neghborhood.8 - Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person dies.
9 - I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.
10 - Bad decisions make good stories.
11 - You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
12 - Can we all just agree to ignore whatever technology is invented after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again. (nor learn how to use it)
13 - I'm aloways slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I did not make any changes to.

14 - I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.
15 - I think the freezer deserves a light as well.
16 - I dissagree with Kay Jewelers. I bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Budweiser then Kay.
17 -  I wish Google Maps has an "Avoid this Neighborhood" routing option.
18 - I have a hard time decipering the fine line between boredom and hunger.
19 - How many times is it appropriate to say "what?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said?
20 - I love the sense of camaraderie when an antire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front.
21 - Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.
22 - sometimes I'll look down at my watch 2 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
23 - Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating there car keys in a pocket, findeing their cell phone, and {inning the Tail on the Donkey - but I'd bet everyone can find and push the snooze butting from 3 feel away, in about 1.7 secons, eyes closed, first time, everytime.
24 - The first testicular guard, the "cup", was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.

Now I want you to tell me what you would add to this list! I know I have friends that could add to this! Here I've got one :

Nothing beats that first time you listen to what you've said and realize that you do, in fact, sound like your mother.

I'm sure we can come up with more! come on Mature Humans! Lets see what you've got!

Love Mush!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Decorating for Fall

Let me tell you this : 
I am SO excited to have my own little place to decorate for fall for any season I see fit! And lately I've had a crafty bee in my bonnet. The only problem is that I LOVE (love love love love love love) Halloween! But its still a smidgen too far away to start decorating for it...So I had to do fall:) (but trust you me, com next weekend I'm going to post a rediculous blog on all the halloween crafts I have planned:))

This is my "random empty space" craft:)
I had a colage frame hanging around that needed something to do:) and the paper pumkins are super easy:) (google it, you'll find totorials:))

Another super easy one and it was TOO CUTE to pass up:)

I found the idea at This Blog and holy crap! it was just too cute! I couldn't NOT make it:)My only difference to hers was I didn't have a random sun hat and straw laying around (go figure, right?) So no hat and I used yellow paper for the straw:The best part of it all is Baby LOVES to get crafty with me:) loves to color or paint and glue! She loves it:) I love that I get to spend that time with her:)

Love Mush:)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cars Used to Their Full Potential

Another Email from my dad:) I always get the best ones from him:)

Are you using your car to it's full potential???

Luv Mush!

Friday, September 2, 2011


I found these two blogs and I HADDDDD TO share them with you!!! HAD TO!
This first one is GENIUS!! They have the most AWESOME remedies for things! like pop tab picture holders and Freezer paper t-shirt printing! GENIUS!!!! CHECK IT!

Good Ideas and Tips

And this one is for every crafty lady out there who has gone "YES! I can do that!" then finds out that they really can't:) kinda amusing:)"

It's true, I just made your day:)

Love Mush:)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Crafty Decorating = Favorite

I'm loving craft decorating!!! Newest ones are....

My picture colage:)

I love it! I have to say I'm super proud of it:) Super cheep too! $4 poster frame and DI (thrift store), and then I printed my pictures at walgreens for like $4 for the lot of em:) and since I don't have a tone of room to put up pictures, this does the job:)

And then my fall wreath:)

I'm not sure how I feel about it yet... I saw the idea on a blog ( And I thought it looked waaaay cute, the only problem is, I'm allergic to corn husks:) (I know, rediculous, of all things to be allergic:) and being as how I like color better then boring all brown I used tissue paper:)

I'm So Loving all of this decorating of my own place:)

Love Mush!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Afterbirth : It's Whats For Dinner

I'm not even sure how I stummbled upon this...I was googling meals and got this:) found it on, and it's pretty funny:)

Disclamer : I'm not mocking anyones way of life, if this is how you roll, then go team you!! I just think this guys veiw point on this is HILARIOUS!

"There is so much you can't know about your spouse when you get married, like that one day she will want to eat her placenta. But there are two things you don't argue about with a pregnant woman: what she eats and that being full of life indeed looks sexy. So when Cassandra told me that for $275, a woman would come to our house, cook Cassandra's placenta, freeze-dry it and turn it into capsules to help ward off postpartum depression and increase milk supply, I said, "$275 is a bargain compared with the $20,000 I'll have to spend to tear out our kitchen immediately afterward."

Most mammals, Cassandra explained, eat their placentas, to which I countered that most dogs eat their poop. I stopped arguing there, figuring that like many of Cassandra's hippie ideas — the compost bin, rubbing lemon on her underarms instead of deodorant — she'd give up on this in a few weeks. Even as the due date approached and she was still set on eating her placenta, I couldn't imagine that she'd remember to request it from the doctor after the most physically draining experience of her life. This is a woman who, 9 times out of 10, forgets the bag of leftovers at the restaurant.

Though I am exceedingly squeamish, when my son was born, I was shocked that I saw only the beauty of childbirth. Until the placenta came out. There are many normal human reactions to seeing a placenta, ranging from screaming to vomiting to warding it off with a cross. For those of you who have never seen one, the placenta is to the baby what Stephen Baldwin is to Alec Baldwin. It's what your liver would look like if it got into an accident on the autobahn with one of those aliens from Mars Attacks! and their bloody carcasses threw jellyfish at each other.

When the placenta did come out, Cassandra, dazed from 21 hours of labor, somehow made sure the nurses delivered it to us in a flat plastic container, which I put into an ice-filled Monsters vs Aliens cooler I brought. When I asked if I could keep the placenta overnight in the refrigerator out in the hall, the nurses looked at me like I was crazy. When you gross out people who work at a hospital, you have accomplished something.

In a fog, I drove the placenta home, where I wrapped the container in a bag and wrapped that bag in a bag and wrapped that bag in every remaining bag we had in the house. I slept at the hospital that night, grateful that my son will never remember what his parents just did.

The next day I drove back to the house to meet the placenta lady, Sara Pereira. To my surprise, Sara did not look unkempt, frumpy, heavy or in any way like a Wiccan. She got into placenta-cooking after taking a Chinese-medicine course and has already prepared more than two dozen placentas this year — and orders are picking up rapidly. When I asked Sara if her parents were embarrassed by what she does, she told me that her father sells bull semen.

By law, Sara has to cook the placenta at the placenta owner's home. But to my great relief, she brought her own equipment, gloves, sponges and even more detergent than I'd hoped, scrubbing constantly as she worked. If I ever kill a man in my own home, I am totally calling the placenta lady.

As she steamed the placenta with some herbs, the kitchen got that iron like smell of cooked organ meat, with vague undertones of a consciousness-raising group and a Betty Friedan rally. Sara said Cassandra had a particularly robust placenta, and she hoped to get 120 pills out of it. As she sliced the cooked organ and put it on parchment paper in a dehydrator, she told me that some people drink the placenta raw as a smoothie. "I do this for a living, and I couldn't do that," she said. The pills, she explained, were superior, since Cassandra could stretch their hormone-rich benefits much further, perhaps even freezing some for menopause. Sara did not understand that when Cassandra's looks fade in her 50s, there's no way I'm putting up with this crap.

I drove back to the hospital where, thanks to my experiences, the food looked good. When we got home the following day, Sara gave us a truly beautiful placenta pill presentation: a pretty glass jar, a card, a CD of lullabies and a satin pouch. In which was part of my son's umbilical cord, fashioned into a heart. When I asked Sara what the hell I was supposed to do with that, she said people often use it to keep a baby's first tooth and lock of hair. That's when I realized that placenta-eating is really just the beginning of how gross we humans are. And I went to change my first diaper."

Video of Placenta-Lady:)

I hope someone else out there got some kind of funny out of that:) because HOLY HANNA, I sure did:)


Read more:

TRUE love.

I forgot about this mans story. And it's really a beautiful story.

He tried out for American Idol this last season, I don't remember how far he made it, but it wasn't very far. But he told them his story and it's an amazing story, it shows you what true love really is all about.

"The 26-year-old aspiring singer from Illinois was engaged to marry Juliana Ramos, his longtime girlfriend, in December 2009. But two months before they were supposed to walk down the aisle, Juliana was involved in a major car accident. Tragically, the crash left her partially paralyzed and caused traumatic brain injuries. Medina continued on with her, not only as her fiancee but now as her primary caretaker. And he didn't give up singing."

Hows that for true love. What an amazing person. Still taking care of her, not giving up. And now someone is giving him a chance to live out his dream.

"What Are Words"

Amazing man!

The end

source for story :

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baggy vrs Boobs

Well you see I've always had the opinion that people like this :

ARE SILLY! I personally see this boys and I have to FIGHT the earge to run up behind them and pants them! they are just ASKING for it! Why else would they show off they're unders like that if they didn't want you to see the rest of it???

And I've told Josh this everytime I see one of those silly boys, then the other night Josh told me something that just cracks me UP!

WE were watching So You Think You Can Dance on Hulu and and Mary Murphy was wearing one of her extravagant dresses -oh, woah! look at that! that dress shows of some super cleavage and I had an epifany, if as a woman I see guys with butts hanging out and want to pants them, it stands to reason that women who wear stuff like this:

deserve to have someone pop their boobs out! They're ASKING FOR IT! just as much as the boys above are! I just wish people could have some kind of common sence when they get dressed in the morning...

The End

Love Mush:)

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Move

I'm just so stinking excited!

For the last year and a half - since Josh lost his job - by golly it's felt like the world has been saying "hey Jessica - IT SUCKS TO BE YOU! SUCKA!" with Josh's job, and the having to move in with mom, dealing with depression, family issues, loosing the house and CONTINUEING to live with my mom. It was just a terrible, no good, very bad year and a half.

But we finally got on our feet and we were able to look at apartments and found the most perfect apartments! They're cheep, and Just big enough for our little family, nice big patio/porch thing, and a park in in the middle of the complex. It's just perfect. And now I'm finally unpacked enough to start my sad excuse for decorating:) (I will SO be posting pictures of that stuff as I move along:). And Baby has her own room, and I can clean when ever I want! and I'm just loving every second of this! oh! not to mention that the managers are SO good about matenance:)

(on a side note I just got my COMPUTER DESK! WOO-HOO!!!)

And so far the very best part is we were finally able to go to our new ward this last sunday. And they were SO great:) Now I have to tell you why this is such a big deal for me. When Josh and I got married, we went to our new ward thinking things would be just great and the people would be just lovely - and noone even said hi. They didn't even read our names into the new ward for I think 6 weeks, and they got them WRONG! Noone sat by me, noone tried to be my friend. It was a bad expirience. So I was kind of dreading this new ward, terrified it would be like our old ward, and I was so pleasently surprised with how friendly everyone was! I dropped Baby off at nursery and the nursery leader was just so bubbly and fun that Baby barely even noticed me leaving! Releif Society was good, had a nice lesson. Then at the end I had 3 different women come welcome me into the ward:)Went to meet Josh in sunday school and was welcomed by a member of the bishopric, and welcomed by 3 or 4 different people by the start of class:) great class! Then sacrament meeting we got lots of smiles (sat infront of some roudy kids and I'm sure I didn't make any friends when I told them to shush:). Then after we just got this huge rush of people to welcome us! Litterally, we had people waiting in line to to say hi:) I was even invited to come join a play date group that a bunch of mommies in the ward do every week:) it was just SO nice:) it's like I was transferred to a new school and all the cool girls wanted me to join their possy! I was so happy and I officially and STOKED to go to church every sunday:)
(for more information go to LDS.ORG)

(us infront of our apartment)

We are just loving it! And we're so loving being in our own space!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I haven't really posted in a really long time! And I just wanted to say I have a DARN good excuse! I moved!!!! YAY!!!! after a year I'm finally out of my mommies house and into our own apartment:) And we're LOVING it! I will have to post pictures and do a real post when I'm finally done unpacking:) But I thought I would share:)

And now I share this funny:) my friend posted it and it's quite funny:)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Best Proposal EVER!

THis is So beautiful! It puts all other proposals to shame! OH MY GOSH!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dog Diary vs. Cat Diary

This is my sexy Clay, he's here to help me with my post:) This is just too funny! this is EXACTLY how cats and dogs are!

The Cat's Diary

Day 983 of My Captivity

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now ...

The Dog's Diary

8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

And last but NOOOOTTTT least my friend posted this on facebook! HOLY GOODNESS! it's hilarious! Check it :

Much love! Peace out!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Please Read

I have not posted in a while and I don't usually post such...hmm...controversial stuff but its something I feel very strongly about.

Please read the post right before this one.

An AMAZING woman gave this talk at our last stake conference and honestly I wish I could've invited everyone to come here this talk. It was amazing to say the least. I know it's long but it is so worth it.

I love you all!!

Jess :)

Runners and Seekers

Runners and Seekers
Authored by Bryan Steele and Jessica Jean Alba, 2011

I start with a story of a couple - Tom and Mary. Tom and Mary were a happy couple. They had a temple marriage, four beautiful children, were active members, and attended the temple. A few years ago, the secrets emerged. Tom was leading a double-life - 16 years of video tapes, trapped in pornography, having affairs while serving in bishoprics, and attending weddings in the temple. A cancer had infested their family circle. Mary was willing to support her husband of 28 years, and help him overcome his addiction, but to no avail. Two years after the discovery, Tom decided that his 2nd life was the one he wanted to lead. Family shredded and left in ruins. Future and promise blasted. It leaves me breathless and broken. How can Mary bear it? No one should be asked to endure such pain and despair.

It is such a delicate and difficult subject. I shrink to offend the most tender and chase among us, but Elder Holland said WE MUST BE BOLD - SO BOLD I WILL BE. Warning to parents:grab those sweet 5 and unders, and quickly give them crayons of every color and a large coloring book.

I hate to speak it aloud in polite company. It leaves the most vile taste in my mouth. Elder Scott called it the most damming force on earth, and so it is - this world-wide scourge of pornography. President Packer, in the August Ensign spoke of a frightening development. That Great and Spacious Building of Lehi's Dream - I choose to call Satan's Palace - has grown so monstrously large it has broken through that awful gulf separating us front he wicked, and now fully encompasses the iron rod, the path, the tree of life and its healing fruit. Instead of our having to look over at the building of no foundation from a vantage point of the tree, quoting Elder Packer, "[We] are [now] living in that great and spacious building.... That is our fate in this generation." .... Without feet shod in gospel truth, our wading in wickedness, if we are not watchful, may cause it to all run amok in our personal lives.

Even with pop up blockers on our computer, sexual images are popping up everywhere, in pictures, music, texting, virtual reality, video games and are now coming to us LIVE in LIVING COLOR! Let's not misunderstand what we are saying in our boldness. Pornography is any material depicting or describing the human body or sexual conduct in a way that arouses sexual feelings.Simply, pornography is anything that crates lust. This is the root of the issue.

That great and spacious building is full of lust with depictions of pornography in every direction - on every wall and in every hall. Satan's Gallery is set with a feast of vile and vice - a perverse pleasure for every palate.

We encounter pornography everywhere we look - the Malls, the Beach, the Gym, the Street, the Schools, the TV, the Computer, our Homes, and our churches. WE ARE ALL SEERS! What a repulsive thought. Us, our spouses, our sons, our daughters, our children. How did it come to this? It is no longer enough to try to avoid it. We must address SEEING it, because we are all SEERS.

There is only one righteous response to SEEING - and that is to RUN! We all must become like Joseph of the Old Testament. We must turn and RUN. Even if we are imprisoned for years for our running. Even is we have to leave our cloth garment and run naked, WE MUST RUN! We must become the greatest runners in the world so that lust will not overtake us. Running is the only way out and the only way up.

Just to make sure we understand the rules of running. We see a scantily clad athlete in the Gym - we turn away and RUN. We feel lust creeping into our hearts at the m ovie - we leave and RUN. We RUN past he Victoria Secret sisplay in the mall. We DO NOT hold our gaze. At the moment of seeing we are at the greast peril, for it is a moment of decision. So we RUN or do we LOOK? It is not easy to choose. Too often we want to LOOK. If we choose to look, we then descend from innocent SEERS to indulgent SEEKERS/

SEEKERS of LUST. It is what captured David, the great King of Israel. A man of whom God said was after His own heart. "And it came to pass in and eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon." (2 Samuel 11:2) Of course she was beautiful to look upon, but a prophet and a king should have chosen better. An adulterous affair; a stillborn infant; and a despicable murder later, the Greatest King in Israel had lost his exaltation. And it all began with a simple LOOK. What would history have written of David if he had been a RUNNER like Joseph?

After LOOKING follows the lingering look. The gander. The gawk. As we entertain ourselves with lust, of course we get a high or buzz.I call this GAZING and GRAZING. Elder Holland explains :

“Like thieves in the night, unwelcome thoughts can AND do seek entrance to our minds. But we don’t have to throw open the door, serve them tea and crumpets, and then tell them where the silverware is kept! (You shouldn’t be serving tea anyway.) Throw the rascals out! Replace lewd thoughts with hopeful images and joyful memories; picture the faces of those who love you and would be shattered if you let them down.” (“Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul”, May 2010)

Then the law of immoral gravity kicks in with a descent into Hell. Dwelling. Desiring. Fantasizing. Obsessing. Hungering and thirsting. Immersing. Feasting out of control, and one is hooked physically and chemically - an addict in every sense of the word!

DO NOT make the mistake of assuming that there is a great distance between LOOKING and IMMERSING or FEASTING. It is a very short road from OOGLING to GOOGLING; just a quick mouse click away. Remember David fell in a day.

Also, let’s not make the mistake in thinking that LOOKING is okay. I have heard some say that you can look at the menu as long as you don’t order. No you can’t. Lust begins long before the order is taken.
I have heard some say that these desires are ‘natural’. C.S. Lewis stated,

“…contemporary propaganda…make(s) us feel that the desires we are resisting are so ‘natural’ so ‘healthy’ and so reasonable, that it is almost perverse and abnormal to resist them. Poster after poster, film after film, novel after novel, associate the idea of sexual indulgence with the ideas of health…and normality. Now this association is a lie.” (Mere Christianity, 100)

I have also heard some say that at least I am not having an affair. You may be mistaken about that. Pornography may be a man’s or a woman’s way of having an affair without the consequences or the exposure.
“But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman, to lust after her, hath committed adultery already in his heart.” (3 Ne. 12: 27-28, 32)
By the way, for every married couple, there is never a reason for a lingering or 2nd LOOK. Never. Joseph’s Problems started because Potipher’s wife LOOKED long and fantasized.

Let’s not make the mistake of thinking this is just a man’s problem either. It is staggering the number of women and children captured by lust. Look at how so many 40 year old women during Twilight are screaming over a 17 year old boy. If those were 40 year old men screaming over a 17 year old girl, someone would call the police!

A WORD of caution to single young men and young women: if you are GAZING and GRAZING and are waiting for marriage thinking that your sin will fade away into marriage intimacy…THINK AGAIN. SEEKERS are engaging in lust not love. Marriage will only make it more destructive, as lust will distort and pervert your love. Lust doesn’t morph into love. Only RUNNERS can love.

There is, however, a guaranteed way out. The way out SEEKING is the same process that drew us in. Just TURN AROUND from the darkness and LOOK to the LIGHT. Begin by Looking. Seeking. Dwelling. Pondering. Desiring. Hungering and thirsting. Feasting. You can be a RUNNER once again. Don’t get discouraged if you fail. Just keep trying. The atonement will reach down from heaven and lift you back up. Repentance can only begin with honesty. We must admit these things about ourselves if we have any hope of escaping the catastrophic consequences of lust. We must have no lies in our life.

Another disheartening realization is that powerful people are in control of you and your fixation. You have lost all control, and placed it in the hands of those who wish to make money off you. What a pathetic and frightening epiphany.

I believe that pornography may be the most deadly force on earth. Why? Essentially, all men and many women have been given what I call the power of the Gods. The power of procreation. These are tied to the God-given desire of intimacy. The temple teaches these passions, appetites, and desires are written in our DNA to insure that the greatest attributes of the LORD would be made manifest on earth through fathers and mothers and husbands and wives.

Lust is at constant war with this power, and we are at constant war with lust. Lust is to have an inappropriately strong desire for something; a fondness or desire for unrighteous physical pleasure, especially sexual immorality. As a result, lust is unlike every other sin in that it doesn’t require LOOKING to BECOME pleasant. We are hard-wired for love and intimacy to BE PLEASANT. Here is a heightened danger as expressed by C.S. Lewis,
“Everyone knows that sexual appetite, like our other appetites, grows by indulgence. Starving men may think much about food, but so do the gluttons, the gorged as well as the famished.” (Mere Christianity, 97)

We can get so inflamed and jammed up with desire that there is not much room left for anything else, including family! Unfortunately, in our age, that power of intimacy was made sufficiently strong so that in the more common culturally modest ages it would still be strong enough to draw men and women together. Add immodesty and outright perversion to our present culture, and the power can be overwhelming. I heard this best expressed by a famous Mormon. He said, “I don’t gaze at women. I want to, but I don’t.”

I heard a bishop once describe this as hunger that can’t be filled. To illustrate this point – passion is natural and God-given. So, in a very real way, when it comes to lust, we are all alcoholics and we are living in a bar. We would call a man a fool if he suggested an alcoholic would be okay if he just drank lite beer instead of hard liquor. But that same man might suggest that “soft” porn or a held glance is much different than hard core. How destructive that can be. How foolish is that man.

Unfortunately, this means we are always at risk, and will be for the rest of our lives. It’s better to be honest about this and prepare for the battle that will only end at death.

Lust is no respecter of persons. Women and men. Stake presidents and nursery leaders. All are targets in the rules of engagement – an equal opportunity destroyer. This is how Satan now wages war against the saints. Lust is the principal strategy to defeat the elect.


Women hear this promise in Proverbs,
“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” (Proverbs 31:10-12, 25-26, 28-30)
How could any woman wish for more?


May I share a word with the serious SEEKER. Again, do not suffer from an illusion of where you might be. Your soul is in jeopardy. If you have gone from images of courser and courser perversions descending down that whirlpool of hell and tried to quit but have relapsed, you are addicted. You had better get help fast, and I’m not talking about self-help. I know you are caught in a vice you can’t get out of. I know how much you ache to stop. I know your self-loathing and self-incrimination. I’ve heard it from so many. You know the suffering of Alma the Younger:

“But I was racked with eternal torment, for my soul was harrowed up to the greatest degree and racked with all my sins. Yea, I did remember all my sins and iniquities, for which I was tormented with the pains of hell; yea,.. in fine so great had been my iniquities, that the very thought of coming into the presence of my God did rack my soul with inexpressible horror. Oh, thought I, that I could be banished and become extinct both soul and body … I [was] racked, even with the pains of a damned soul.” (Alma 36:12-15)

1. Start with this: proclaim with all your heart and strength “I WILL NEVER STOP TRYING TO QUIT. NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I FAIL, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!” Even in failure, triumph in this, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP TRYING.

2. Next, realize you are not going to be able to stop! You are addicted. I’ve studied the medical pathology of pornography addiction, which is by the way, just like every addiction, except that it is faster to fall and more difficult to get out of. I don’t know how many times I’ve read that drug and pornography addicts always claim the cocaine was easier to escape than the lust!

3. Next, RUN. RUN to our good bishop, fast! Don’t worry about the embarrassment. This good bishop will keep a confidence to his grave. He will not think less of you, but will help bring out more of you through Christ Jesus. Just worry about this: stop paying the costs of addiction. Don’t pay more than you have already lost. I know you want to stop. I know you hate the pain. Get thee to a Bishop. The Church has a 12-Step Program to deliver you from this monster. Just RUN to the bishop. Don’t think about it, just RUN! Know this there is nothing that man or Satan can do that the Savior cannot undo. There is no injury, no anguish, that man or Satan can inflict that the Redeemer cannot heal. You need the atonement, and the man to lead you to that is the bishop.

Hear this story:

There was a man who got addicted to many things when young. He went to prison, and found Christ. He cleaned up, became Elders Quorum President, married a sweet wife, and brought some wonderful children into their family. Then, an event triggered his addictions, and like a dog to his vomit, all his former sins returned. He became so distraught that he questioned God’s love for him to the point that he knew God had abandoned him. How could God love a man who came back into the light and betrayed it once again? He began robbing small convenience stores eventually at gunpoint. One particular night, the attendant tripped the alarm. As the sirens drew closer he ran for the bushes, he knew he couldn’t go back to prison. So, he took his loaded gun, put his finger on the trigger and was about to end his life when he heard a voice - the voice said “I am still here” He returned to prison and with the help of the bishop and family services is trying once again to return to the light.

God will never leave us hopeless!

Despite all that is known about pornography and its destructive path, sadly, there are those of we saints who are providing stumbling blocks to many. Elder Oaks made a remarkable statement,
“And young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you.” (“Pornography,” Liahona, May 2005, 87–90. Italics added for emphasis)

Any act, dress, talk, text that is immodest and/or creates lust is pornographic. I call these stumbling blocks CARRIERS and PROVOKERS. CARRIERS are those who are innocently generating lust. PROVOKERS are doing it intentionally. In the most important way, it doesn’t matter because the end result is lust.

Speaking specifically to CARRIERS both men and women – you are making it very difficult on all of us. Please stop! I beg you! I know the world teaches that in order to be beautiful you must look and act a certain way, but THE WORLD IS WRONG. Ask someone of the opposite sex who is not your brother or sister if you don’t believe me. I pray they will be honest. I know you get attention from looking that way. Of course you do. Lust is a powerful attention-getting emotion. But consider this, WHO ARE YOU ATTRACTING??

The RUNNERS are long gone – The SEEKERS are what remain. Do you wish to marry a SEEKER?? What will that mean to your marriage, to your self esteem, to your happiness, to your destiny?

Young women – do not delude yourselves into thinking that this type of behavior is what men want. The ones who deserve you and will take you to the temple are the very ones you are repelling.
Young Men – Take the advice of President Hinckley,
“The girl you marry is worthy of a husband whose life has not been tainted by this ugly and corrosive material.” (Ensign, May 1998, 49)
I Ask Married CARRIERS – why would you want to attract SEEKERS into your life or generate lust in your marriage?
Married Women – it has become common for you to adjust your garments to fit your outfit.

To both married men and women I ask - Do you think that you an unrepentant CARRIER will not bear some responsibility for the lust that is destroys lives and shreds families?

I beg you to change please consider my words! Become a PROTECTOR – those who are modest in dress, action, word and text. The only “normal” courting is found in modesty. And, to the RUNNERS of the world – modest is the hottest. Starve lust and it will die. Remember, PROTECTORS attract RUNNERS!

I challenge every member to go home and take what I call a PC test.
*Examine every article of clothing – is it a PROTECTOR or a CARRIER
*Examine every DVD – is it a PROTECTOR or a CARRIER
*Examine every Conversation – PROTECTOR or a CARRIER
*Examine every Text – PROTECTOR or CARRIER
Save a Life. Save a Family. Save Yourself. BE A PROTECTOR. And if you are single, you are bound to attract a RUNNER. There is safety and happiness only in RUNNING.

A woman I know is now on her 3rd marriage. She is beautiful, fit, a little into body worship (unlike me, obviously), and she likes to show it off. She also talks to me about a temple marriage and happy family, and doesn’t understand why her marriages always end in disaster. Stop being a CARRIER! You are attracting SEEKERS. RUNNERS to do not beat you, berate you, destroy your self esteem! BECOME A PROTECTOR and get a RUNNER!

A word to parents. What would you guess is the average age when someone becomes 1st addicted to pornography? 9. Do you believe it? So disheartening and shocking. So, parents you have very little time to train up your child in our day. God gives us a free 8 years.

At their core, all children, for that matter, all adults are good – Intelligence, light, truth, Spirit. The words cleaveth, receiveth, embraceth, loveth, claimeth are explaining the absorption of these truths. Surround your children with light and truth when they are young. It might probably mean the difference between life and death for the next generation. Are the 5 and under still coloring?

Listen to this addicted kid – it is heart wrenching

Blair: I grew up in the Church and have a testimony. However, there is a part of my life that few people know. At age seven I often saw a pornographic poster on a teenage neighbor’s wall. It left an impression in my mind that I could not forget. Unworthy thoughts led me to develop an unworthy habit I felt I couldn’t break. My self-confidence dwindled in church, school, and everywhere. Many times I felt very alone, awkward, and unworthy. If a girl liked me, I would think, “She wouldn’t like me if she really knew me.” I would shy away from being social. I prayed for strength to leave these temptations alone. I made a list of things like prayer, scriptures, and clean thoughts that would help me draw close to God. But although I worked hard, it didn’t solve my problems. The thought of confessing to the bishop made me cringe. I felt it would be better to tell the bishop about the problem when it was in the past. But I finally realized it wasn’t ever going to be in the past if I didn’t confess. If God already knew my struggles and I felt comfortable talking about them in prayer, why not talk face to face with God’s servant? Once I finally decided to confess, I felt a reassuring peace that it was the right thing to do. I felt relief when I stopped pretending. Sharing the burden with my bishop and my family meant I no longer had to deal with this addiction alone. Now I hold on to this support system. A problem that dominated my youth could not be overcome overnight. This road has been long and hard—and it continues. It isn’t enough anymore to look happy. I want to be happy. I am coming to know Christ and the Atonement with much deeper and more personal meaning. The Atonement gives me the strength I need so my self-confidence and self-respect grow step by step each day.

There is only one answer in controlling the power of godliness, and that is to LOOK to God and live. I know I can’t afford to go weaponless in the battle between love and lust. I must armor up in a suit of armor fashioned by the only perfect man who has won his battle with lust.

I don’t want to be a SEEKER, EVER! His word is full of power and healing. Reading his Word is not enough for me. Studying his Word is not enough for me. We must IMMERSE OURSELVES in his holy writ. We must give His Word a deep place in our hearts and in our schedule. And it takes a lot of time. BUT IT WORKS. It rips lust from my heart, and it feels so incredibly good. I can’t get enough of it!

As we approach the Temple for the 1st time AGAIN - we may feel living water flowing out from His House, and as we enter in – we are wading in living water to our ankles. As we return, we find the water embracing us is increasing to our knees and growing ever still until there are waters to swim in – so wide and broad that it spans both time and space, and everything it touches comes to life.

I see that water flowing out of the Book Mormon. I see it flowing out from the Sacrament Table. I see it flowing out from the Bishops Office. And the source of that living water is the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ. Waters to swim in. As it flows, it touches me anywhere, and heals me everywhere. And I need it – so desperately need it.

CHRIST CAN Hear You – He Can Heal you – He can Save You – He Can Raise You

I am driven by desire. Desire to drive lust away from my head, from my heart ,and from my life.


In the Name of Jesus Christ AMEN

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kiddie Krafts -Random:)

I've been meening to start posting pictures of the crafts I do with my baby and the one I babysit so that if other mommy's out there need something to do they can use these ideas:)

These ones are just the random ones that we've done willy nilly:)


The girls had so much fun making these:) and so easy! it's just a toilet paper roll and they glued TONS of fuzzies to them and googlie eyes (just as many eyes as fuzzies in my babies case:)) then we used pipe cleaners to do the antena and teeth:) then cause we're all girly we sprayed them with hairspray and then sprinkled glitter on them:)

Painting Bread
Another one that the girls LOVED doing! little bit of food coloring in water, all different colors, then they paint the bread and you put it in the toaster:) My baby loved it:) and loved eating the toast, the other one isn't super huge on eating so she wasn't excited about eating it...but she did love to do it:)

Ok,so we didn't really "make" these but how cute are they!?! we got the flip flops and the cuteness stuff at Michaels:) they're just so CUTE!!!

Monster puppets:)

Just paper sack puppets made to look like monstrs but the girls had fun gluing:)

Popcorn Trees
I cut out the shapes and the girls got to glue them to the paper -always fun- and then for popcorn I used little wadded balls of white paper...I was going to do popcorn but then I realized the bagged stuff would leave the paper all greasy and I didn't have the makings for air popped popcorn at the time...but yeah. And we got to sing the amazing popcorn popping on the appricot tree song:)

There you go:) hope someone appriciates this:)

The End:)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day

I feel it is my...moral obligations to wish you all a happy Pi day:)

what is Pi day you ask?

Pi day is celebrated March 14 (3/14 = 3.14) and it's pretty much just a good excuse to eat Pie:) And since my mommy makes the best pie EVER it's a GREAT excuse:)

To help you all celebrate I give you this AMAZINGLY easy strawberry pie recipe:) I can't remember where I found it...but it's super yummy:)


1 prepared graham cracker pie crust
raspberries, peaches, or strawberries

Rinse and cut up strawberries or peaches. Pour into pie crust, until completely full.


1 cup sugar
3 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 cup water

Bring to boil, constantly stirring, until clear and thick.
Stir in 3 tablespoons flavored Jello. Stir until dissolved. Pour over fresh fruit in pie.
Refrigerate util firm.

Top with Cool Whip. In the center of the pie, add a piece of the fruit you've used, that
way others will know what type of pie it is.

The only trick is MAKE SURE you boil the cornstarch mix stuff until SUPER CLEAR, I keep messing up on that bit and makes it...runny-ish....

I'd post a picture but I'd have to restart my puter to do it and I find that to be silly:)

Happy Pi Day:)

In case you wondered...

incas you wondered or incase you happen to notice we're missing our countdown...


Thats right, after wondering for a week and a half what was going on with the house, we FINALLY got ahold of our house guy and we're FREE!!! turns out we were free of the house like a week ago when the got our paper work in...but we're FREEEE!!!!

Just thougth someone might like to know:)

Bye-Bye house, we'll miss you...


The End

Saturday, March 12, 2011

His and Hers

I have to tell you, thanks to tax returns I've been able to do SO many of the crafties done that I've had just chillin' waiting for me to do them:) and this is one of them:)

His and Hers pillows

I wish I could tell you where I found the idea...but alas, I just copied the picture and moved on...So if you genius person happen to cross this them Thank you for the idea:) I love them:) I think they're cute:) and super cheap! got a white sheet from DI and two pillows (about the same size) again from DI, recovered the pillows, and got fabric paint and colored on them:)

GO me!

The end.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Short Hair = Headbands

So a while ago My friend and I made allll these super cute hair clips :) and then I cut all my hair off...So there is a lack in hair for hair clips:)


I've been working on making me some head bands:)and by golly, I'm proud of them:)
This one I got off a website with their own little how too:)

And this one:)

There you have it:)

The End:)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Animal Funnies

In case you wondered, yep, I'm a quitter, I'm not gonna finish the 30 day challenge, I figure I've got enough going on in my day that I don't want to HAVE to blog too, let alone that I feel super *searches for word*...conceited *found it:)* doin' nothing but talking about me so I'm done:)

I'd rather do blogs like this one:)

Animal Funnies :)

*Thanks again pappy:)*

The End