Monday, November 29, 2010


How do I Un-follow someone?

Nothing bad, just one of my friends deleted her blog, so it can't be found which means I can't stop it from her page and I can't find out how to do it on my page...


On a side note,

the opposite of anti-empty is anti-full, which makes the opposite of anti-empty = empty.

Friday, November 26, 2010

5 Question Friday...*ACHOO*

Good gravey, I'm so sickly, and tired, and tired of being sickly.
Five Question Friday goes onward!!
So copy and paste the questions and the picture from the blog below and GO TO TOWN!

1. What is your favorite part of a Thanksgiving meal?

2. Are you a host or a guest for Thanksgiving this year?

3. When you think of one Thanksgiving tradition, what comes to mind?

4. You have two pieces of pie in front of you and you HAVE to eat you choose pumpkin or pecan?

5. Are you a Black Friday Shopper?

1.ooooooh:) there are so many! My mom is the thanksgiving QUEEN! She makes homemade stuffing that I actually like! and she makes the best mashed potatos and gravey! And she makes this mormonized jello salad that is AMAZING! it has pineapple and carrots and cheese and whipped creem and walnuts! It's to die for and the turkey! AH! My mom has made an art out of turkey cooking! GAH! it's so great! AND my mom is the pie QUEEN! pecan, walnut chocolate chip, coconut creme, apple, pumkin! she's AMAZING!!!!

2. Mostly's happening in "my" house/the house I'm abiding in. But this whole sick thing made it not so easy to help with dinner :/

3. ....turkey....thats all I got...OH! I love the tradition of turkey soup the next night and turkey sandwiches for the next week:)

4. I've got pumkin and pecan....and I have to eat JUST one...oh...I'm not super fond of either...poo...I think I'll cheat and do half of each, that way I can alternate and not HATE them both:)

5. Yes mam:) I went with my AMAZING friend Whitney:) it was great! crazy people at walmart:) turning the wrong way 3 or four times AND I found what I wanted to get josh!!! AAAAAAND I only got and hour and a half of sleep last night! Yay for me:)

I am now going to go to bed and be sickly:)

The End.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wordless Wensday *BLiZZaRD*

Pre - Blizzard

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy 100th Post

TA-DA! Jessica has made it to her 100th post...I'm pretty sure:)
Thought I'd let you know...

And now I'm about to tickle your right brain and make your day all at the same time! You NEED to go to :

Peace out.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Five Question Friday

Haha:) I completely didn't do this last week:) and it's not cause I forgot which is sad:) I just didn't:)
Five Question Friday - copy and paste the picture and questions from the below blog and do it on your blog! WOO-HOO!

1. What Christmas song do you loathe?

2. Do you and your significant other cuddle at night or sleep on opposite sides of the bed?

3. Have you ever had surgery?

4. When do you typically have your holiday shopping done?

5. If money were not an issue (and you HAD to pick something), what would your ultimate luxury item be?

1 - huh...I haven't been listening to christmas music a ton I'm not sure...I'm pretty sure I have one but for the life of me I can't remember...

3 - Yes:) On my ear of all places:) When I was in Jr. High I had a cist growing in my ear canal and the took it out:) I really wish they had taken a video! they apparently had to go behind my ear and cut along the back...Seam if you will:) and had to pull my ear forward to get to it:) pretty awesome huh!?

4 - When ever. I like to start Black friday and finish when ever I finish:)

5 - OH SNAP! MY HOUSE! No joke, Jessica's little thing of making up My Forever home, I would want my Forever Home, the way I'm designing it! That would be magnificent! AGH! I would love that so much!

And there you go:) Peace out!

The End.

Jessica's Random Trip Planning

So a about a week ago Hubby and I watched the movie Angels and Demons
*as a side note, I followed way more of that movie than I thought I would:)*
and in the movie the went to the Vatican City! And OH MY GLACIERS! I really want to go now! So, I googled and googled and googled and this is what I've got:)

You can have an "Audience with the Pope" !

All these people gather in a room, big room, holds like 5,000 people. and you can listen to the pope talk:) every Wensday:) BUT it's crazy! You have to get there like 3 or 4 hours early, AND you have to right/fax a guy (...can't remember who...) with pretty much an essay saying why you should be able to go have and Audience with the Pope. They have to evaluate it and decide weather you can go. INTENSE.

See the Sistine Chapel

I know you might be surprised by this, but I Jessicas right brain just really wants to go look at the really pretty paintings! I mean really! How Beautiful is this!?

The Vatican Museum

again, Jessica's right brained-ness just really likes museums:)

Go watch St. Peters Square

Then you have to climb the dome of St. Peter's Bisilica And the picture above is the veiw you get! isn't that beautiful!?

Then you have to go tour the Castel Sant' Angelo

This was once a mausoleum, then it was used as a fortress and castle for popes and now it is a museum:)

See the Vatican Gardens

How pretty right!? I would love to be able to go and take pictures there!

And last but not least - you have to see (slash be amused at) the Swiss Guards:)

Aren't their uniforms the best thing EVER!??! They were created in 1914. And they are super strict about who they let into their guard. Their standards : Single male between the ages of 19 and 30, Catholic, 5'9" tall or taller, and a swiss citizen with a high school diploma or professional degree.

AMAZING! I really want to go see it! It just looks so amazing! All the art! this whole city is just completely drowning in art! And I love it! And did you know that there is a wall going ALL the way around the Vatican City??? No joke!

Any way:) thought I'd share:)

The End.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Once Upon a December


K, so Jessica really loves music boxes, the kind that have little moving people/bits And I was googling them and look what I found!

It's the music box from Anastasia! Is that not the most amazing thing you have ever seen!?! You can actually buy them:) And not at astronomical prices!! And it plays Once Upon a December. I know every little girls dream right!?

Any way:) thought I'd share:)

And here's the link incase anyone wants to see:)

The End.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

WorDLess WensDay

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby's Two Year Old Pictures

Firstly the cake:

yep:) polka dots:) two layers inside, the top being chocolate pound cake and the bottom being rice crispies:) and it was made of yuck:) I thought it looked lumpy and uneven, the pound cake was SO not sweet enough, and the crispies were a little on the over cooked side. But everyone said it looked great and tasted great so..? yeah I dunno

Then the party:)
Baby blowing out the candles:)

and THE BUG! the bug was from granny jo and maeby was thrilled:)

Now the Creme de'la Creme : the Two Year old Pictures:)

And these last three just made me laugh:)

We go from "eh - ok" to "daddy!" to "GET ME DOWN!" they just make me laugh:)

And there you have it:) My baby is getting so big:)

The End

PS - if any family want some of the "photoshoot" pictures, just email me and I'll send them:)

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Baby Turns Two

*only uploading the video by it's onzie just incase there's only enough room for the video:)*
I love you my baby!

Friday, November 5, 2010

FiVe QuEsTioN FriDaY!

As a pre-cursor to 5QF I would like to actknowlege yes, I did miss Wordless Wensday but only kinda:) On Wensday we went to the park with Baby and took her two year birthday pictures:) And I would post them...but it's not her birthday yet:) So it's like I missed it...but not:) And yes, I will post them:) My plan is to post them all sunday night so you can see my big girl:)


Go to the following blog, copy and paste the picture and questions and have fun!

1. If you could have any talent and turn it into an occupation, what would it be?

2. Would you rather have a house at the beach or a cabin in the woods?

3. Is there any meaning or reasoning for the names you chose for your child/children?

4. What is your guilty pleasure? (I know we've done this one before, but I'm guessing people's "guilty pleasures" change frequently. At least, mine do!)

5. Do you live in a house that is deep cleaned or straightened?

1. oooh....photographer...anything really, anything crafty:)

2. I would prolly go with the beach:) sun shiney, swimming, tans:) woods are great...but I like the bright open sunshine more:) maybe I'll live in my house on the beach but have a vacationy cabin in the woods:)

3. no...not really:) I thought it was a really fun cute little name:) the end:)

4. ...*makes a shamefull face*...I like to watch scary R rated movies...I know I'm the devil! But at least I make sure they're ok before I watch them! I make sure they don't have nasty gross scenes in them! it doesn't make it much better...but that is my guilty pleasure...

5. haha:) straightend:) I love my family but I do have to teenage sibs and one 20 yr old sib and...(I LOVE YOU GUYS) but 2 of the three just don't care about how things look so they straighten when they should be cleaning.

And there you have it:)

Now I must go hula hoop.

The End.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Truth behind I Am Legend

So in the midst of my PMS-ing - I've come to a very amazing discovery.

We all know the movie I AM LEGEND right?

So with this movie they lead you to believe a farce, that they have supposedly come up with a cure for cancer right? That they've used a genetically engineered measles virus to cure it, and then it turns into this huge epidemic and all these people get infected and its terrible right?

It's a farce I tell you!

My therory :
We've all seen a woman PMS-ing, well some woman out there has such terrible symptoms that the PMS Hormone

^ PMS Hormone ^

Was able to excape it's female host! That was when they came up with the load of hooey that they put all over the news in the movie, trying to keep the mass population calm, but all the people that were SO HAPPY about the cure for cancer that the overwhelming ammount of happy in their systems made them seseptible to the PMS hormone!


And in the end Will Smith is the only man Manly enough to withstand the hormone:)

Now I know what your thinking, what about everyone else??? Well, you see, the woman that will smith meets up with who is not effected, is infertle, and there for, not suseptible to the PMS hormone. Then you ask, well what about the boy that was with the woman?? that is simple, he is the spawn of Chuck Norris. And as we all should understand, the PMS hormone is not silly enough to try to infect Chuck Norris. So the spawn child of Chuck Norris had to go with the woman while Chuck Norris toured the country/world, spreading his Chuck Norris-ness, and therefore expelling the hormone from all the people that could be saved, thus the colony of "Un infected" people. It's not that they were uninfected, but that Chuck Norris had scared the PMS right out of them

Now I know, your saying, "Jessica, your silly", but you can't deny my theory!
My exibit A :
Infected Person from I Am Legend :

Jessica infected by the PMS hormone :

The End.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I *heart* HALLOWEEN!

So incase anyone doesn't know, I super duper love Halloween! So here we go with the gooberous amount of pictures:)

Along with Halloween in the Jensen house come a LOT of birthdays:) so happy birthday to me and madre and padre! (and baby next week:) haha)

Then we went to the baby brotheres Halloween parade:)They had a couple of really cool costumes:)

MICHAEL JACKSON! Theis kids costume is good! And then Avatar:) Is that not so cool!

Then cvome the pumbkins!!! Carving pumkins is so much fun! I love it!
Funny story of this year: my mom usually waits untill the last minute *usually halloween day* to get pumkins. We had to drive to...5, yes FIVE different stores to get pumpkins, no joke! everyone was out! And them when we did find some they were the bottom of the barrel:) no joke, all growing on their side, all lumpy and green:) they were awesome!

Maeby painting her pumkin:)

My pumkin:)

Baby sisters pumkin

Ye Pirates be warned....(josh's pumkin;))

Madre's pumkin

Baby brothers Tiki pumkin (tilt your head that way <-- to see)

My friends pumkins:) I thought they were most awesome:)

And then the Costumes! I love halloween for this reason! I'm a grown woman with a baby and I have the amazing ability to wear willy costumes and be like a kid playing dress up:)
Here we go!

Baby sister was Medusa:) is that not AWESOME!!!

My baby was Little Red Riding Hood! Is she not the cutest!?! we tried doing curlers too:) ...didn't much work out...thus the lack in in cute curly-headed pictures:)

Joshua was a mime:) (as was baby brother but I missed in the picture taking of him...)

And I was Mother nature:) Ta-Da!!!

And there you have it:) an hour later I have finally loaded all the pictures:)

I love halloween!

The End.