Thursday, August 25, 2011

Afterbirth : It's Whats For Dinner

I'm not even sure how I stummbled upon this...I was googling meals and got this:) found it on, and it's pretty funny:)

Disclamer : I'm not mocking anyones way of life, if this is how you roll, then go team you!! I just think this guys veiw point on this is HILARIOUS!

"There is so much you can't know about your spouse when you get married, like that one day she will want to eat her placenta. But there are two things you don't argue about with a pregnant woman: what she eats and that being full of life indeed looks sexy. So when Cassandra told me that for $275, a woman would come to our house, cook Cassandra's placenta, freeze-dry it and turn it into capsules to help ward off postpartum depression and increase milk supply, I said, "$275 is a bargain compared with the $20,000 I'll have to spend to tear out our kitchen immediately afterward."

Most mammals, Cassandra explained, eat their placentas, to which I countered that most dogs eat their poop. I stopped arguing there, figuring that like many of Cassandra's hippie ideas — the compost bin, rubbing lemon on her underarms instead of deodorant — she'd give up on this in a few weeks. Even as the due date approached and she was still set on eating her placenta, I couldn't imagine that she'd remember to request it from the doctor after the most physically draining experience of her life. This is a woman who, 9 times out of 10, forgets the bag of leftovers at the restaurant.

Though I am exceedingly squeamish, when my son was born, I was shocked that I saw only the beauty of childbirth. Until the placenta came out. There are many normal human reactions to seeing a placenta, ranging from screaming to vomiting to warding it off with a cross. For those of you who have never seen one, the placenta is to the baby what Stephen Baldwin is to Alec Baldwin. It's what your liver would look like if it got into an accident on the autobahn with one of those aliens from Mars Attacks! and their bloody carcasses threw jellyfish at each other.

When the placenta did come out, Cassandra, dazed from 21 hours of labor, somehow made sure the nurses delivered it to us in a flat plastic container, which I put into an ice-filled Monsters vs Aliens cooler I brought. When I asked if I could keep the placenta overnight in the refrigerator out in the hall, the nurses looked at me like I was crazy. When you gross out people who work at a hospital, you have accomplished something.

In a fog, I drove the placenta home, where I wrapped the container in a bag and wrapped that bag in a bag and wrapped that bag in every remaining bag we had in the house. I slept at the hospital that night, grateful that my son will never remember what his parents just did.

The next day I drove back to the house to meet the placenta lady, Sara Pereira. To my surprise, Sara did not look unkempt, frumpy, heavy or in any way like a Wiccan. She got into placenta-cooking after taking a Chinese-medicine course and has already prepared more than two dozen placentas this year — and orders are picking up rapidly. When I asked Sara if her parents were embarrassed by what she does, she told me that her father sells bull semen.

By law, Sara has to cook the placenta at the placenta owner's home. But to my great relief, she brought her own equipment, gloves, sponges and even more detergent than I'd hoped, scrubbing constantly as she worked. If I ever kill a man in my own home, I am totally calling the placenta lady.

As she steamed the placenta with some herbs, the kitchen got that iron like smell of cooked organ meat, with vague undertones of a consciousness-raising group and a Betty Friedan rally. Sara said Cassandra had a particularly robust placenta, and she hoped to get 120 pills out of it. As she sliced the cooked organ and put it on parchment paper in a dehydrator, she told me that some people drink the placenta raw as a smoothie. "I do this for a living, and I couldn't do that," she said. The pills, she explained, were superior, since Cassandra could stretch their hormone-rich benefits much further, perhaps even freezing some for menopause. Sara did not understand that when Cassandra's looks fade in her 50s, there's no way I'm putting up with this crap.

I drove back to the hospital where, thanks to my experiences, the food looked good. When we got home the following day, Sara gave us a truly beautiful placenta pill presentation: a pretty glass jar, a card, a CD of lullabies and a satin pouch. In which was part of my son's umbilical cord, fashioned into a heart. When I asked Sara what the hell I was supposed to do with that, she said people often use it to keep a baby's first tooth and lock of hair. That's when I realized that placenta-eating is really just the beginning of how gross we humans are. And I went to change my first diaper."

Video of Placenta-Lady:)

I hope someone else out there got some kind of funny out of that:) because HOLY HANNA, I sure did:)


Read more:

TRUE love.

I forgot about this mans story. And it's really a beautiful story.

He tried out for American Idol this last season, I don't remember how far he made it, but it wasn't very far. But he told them his story and it's an amazing story, it shows you what true love really is all about.

"The 26-year-old aspiring singer from Illinois was engaged to marry Juliana Ramos, his longtime girlfriend, in December 2009. But two months before they were supposed to walk down the aisle, Juliana was involved in a major car accident. Tragically, the crash left her partially paralyzed and caused traumatic brain injuries. Medina continued on with her, not only as her fiancee but now as her primary caretaker. And he didn't give up singing."

Hows that for true love. What an amazing person. Still taking care of her, not giving up. And now someone is giving him a chance to live out his dream.

"What Are Words"

Amazing man!

The end

source for story :

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baggy vrs Boobs

Well you see I've always had the opinion that people like this :

ARE SILLY! I personally see this boys and I have to FIGHT the earge to run up behind them and pants them! they are just ASKING for it! Why else would they show off they're unders like that if they didn't want you to see the rest of it???

And I've told Josh this everytime I see one of those silly boys, then the other night Josh told me something that just cracks me UP!

WE were watching So You Think You Can Dance on Hulu and and Mary Murphy was wearing one of her extravagant dresses -oh, woah! look at that! that dress shows of some super cleavage and I had an epifany, if as a woman I see guys with butts hanging out and want to pants them, it stands to reason that women who wear stuff like this:

deserve to have someone pop their boobs out! They're ASKING FOR IT! just as much as the boys above are! I just wish people could have some kind of common sence when they get dressed in the morning...

The End

Love Mush:)

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Move

I'm just so stinking excited!

For the last year and a half - since Josh lost his job - by golly it's felt like the world has been saying "hey Jessica - IT SUCKS TO BE YOU! SUCKA!" with Josh's job, and the having to move in with mom, dealing with depression, family issues, loosing the house and CONTINUEING to live with my mom. It was just a terrible, no good, very bad year and a half.

But we finally got on our feet and we were able to look at apartments and found the most perfect apartments! They're cheep, and Just big enough for our little family, nice big patio/porch thing, and a park in in the middle of the complex. It's just perfect. And now I'm finally unpacked enough to start my sad excuse for decorating:) (I will SO be posting pictures of that stuff as I move along:). And Baby has her own room, and I can clean when ever I want! and I'm just loving every second of this! oh! not to mention that the managers are SO good about matenance:)

(on a side note I just got my COMPUTER DESK! WOO-HOO!!!)

And so far the very best part is we were finally able to go to our new ward this last sunday. And they were SO great:) Now I have to tell you why this is such a big deal for me. When Josh and I got married, we went to our new ward thinking things would be just great and the people would be just lovely - and noone even said hi. They didn't even read our names into the new ward for I think 6 weeks, and they got them WRONG! Noone sat by me, noone tried to be my friend. It was a bad expirience. So I was kind of dreading this new ward, terrified it would be like our old ward, and I was so pleasently surprised with how friendly everyone was! I dropped Baby off at nursery and the nursery leader was just so bubbly and fun that Baby barely even noticed me leaving! Releif Society was good, had a nice lesson. Then at the end I had 3 different women come welcome me into the ward:)Went to meet Josh in sunday school and was welcomed by a member of the bishopric, and welcomed by 3 or 4 different people by the start of class:) great class! Then sacrament meeting we got lots of smiles (sat infront of some roudy kids and I'm sure I didn't make any friends when I told them to shush:). Then after we just got this huge rush of people to welcome us! Litterally, we had people waiting in line to to say hi:) I was even invited to come join a play date group that a bunch of mommies in the ward do every week:) it was just SO nice:) it's like I was transferred to a new school and all the cool girls wanted me to join their possy! I was so happy and I officially and STOKED to go to church every sunday:)
(for more information go to LDS.ORG)

(us infront of our apartment)

We are just loving it! And we're so loving being in our own space!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I haven't really posted in a really long time! And I just wanted to say I have a DARN good excuse! I moved!!!! YAY!!!! after a year I'm finally out of my mommies house and into our own apartment:) And we're LOVING it! I will have to post pictures and do a real post when I'm finally done unpacking:) But I thought I would share:)

And now I share this funny:) my friend posted it and it's quite funny:)