Monday, February 28, 2011

Day .... 7?

Day 7 - My idea of a dream wedding:)

I liked my wedding:) Yes it was in a church house, and I know some didn't like it but I don't care:) I loved my wedding:) pink and green everywhere, love of my life beside me and all my friends and family to share it with.

Amazing day:)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 5 and 6

I know, I suck. Made it a whole four days before I missed one:/ I lose. But in my defence, I went to do it before bed - then my stommy became upset, and thennnnn the internet wasn't working, and I'm a lazy bum who didn't want to go ALLL the way upstairs with the stommy aches to restart the no dice. So today you get two:)

Day 5 - a picture of me twoooo years ago:)

Wow...I guess this was two years was just biddy....huh:) feb 22, 2009

Day 6 - Picture of an animal you'd like to keep as a pet :)

Aww man, here we go...incase you didn't know this...


YEah:) I really love ducks:) I would love to have a couple, or even just one:) but I doubt josh will ever let me *sniff*

Any way there you have it:) peace out:)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 4

Day 4 - My favorite photograph of my best friend

The trick here is that I have a couple people I consider My Besties:)


She cracks me up:) we do our fun days with our baby's and do crafts, and we gossip and giggle and talk:) she's just so fun:)

This is my Kristy!

I love my Kristy! We've been bestie-like since high school. She's the cooliest:) we have so much fun when we get together! and I love her face!

And this is my Beth

I love her! She's the COOLEST cousin/bestie EVER! I even got to be one of the matrons of honor in her wedding *blushes* she's amazing!

And this is obviousely My Joshua

The End.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 - your idea of the perfect first date...

...k umm...I don't know.

Mostly because hey - I'm married. I don't have first dates any more.

Honestly, one date I would love is to drive around. Thats it. Leave Baby with a babysitter for a WHOLE day. get in the car in the morning, get some McDonalds breakfast. Drive around taking pictures, stopping at random places, just driving and looking around. get lunchables and snack food at the store and eat them in the car as we drive.

There you go.

The End.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 2

day 2 is tell us about your job :

I have the BEST job ever. I'm a stay at home mommy. I love my job. I have the most beautiful baby in the whole world and I'm so lucky to be able to spend my time with her:)

Highlights of my day include :
♥ watching her watch in amazement as I blow bubbles and her trying to catch them
♥ Help her try new foods and watching in amusement as she discovers onions aren't tasty:)
♥ Going down the stairs one step at a time holding her hand
♥ Being the one to get her up in the morning and from nap and getting the sleepy snuggles
♥ Singing every Barney song she knows over and over agian
♥ Watching her try to walk in her uncles shoes and watching her smile as she hears us laughing at the shoes turning around on her feet
♥ Singing her to sleep at night
♥ Trying to interpret her one word sentances
♥ Helping her learn new words
♥ Laughing as she giggles about daddy farting:)
♥ Playing with play-dough and having to make a baby...then a crib...then a blanket...then a plug...then nightlight:)
♥ Helping her say her prayers at night
♥ Making cookies
♥ making Raman noodles and eggs at least 6 times a week
♥ Watch her put her baby down for a nap:)
♥ Dancing with her
♥ Playing ring-around-the-rosies over and over and over again
♥ Helping her grow into a big independant girl:)

And those are just a few highlights of my every day:)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 1

Picture of me and how my day has been day...Good:)

Got to go to my appointment with Pat:) WOO-HOO! then came home and picked up the hub and babe, then went and took care of paper work for the house *WOO-HOO*. Got random lunch foods at the store and ate them in the care as we drove around:) drove through a bunch of trailers parks looking for new ones:) then had to go home and put Baby down before she drove this mommy over the edge:)

Now I'me gonna go check my facey-spacey, then fix my black dress and go through the MASSIVE ammounts of crafts I found online yesterday and do a few:) and hubby is going to go to work and my dad is makeing soup...yay soup *waves tiney flag in the air*

The End:)


So I would post just a picture of this but silly google maps won't let me just copy and paste the pictures so you get this RIDICULOUSLY long link:),+Ogden,+Weber,+Utah+84401&layer=c&sll=41.209277,-111.979242&cbp=13,78.66,,0,1.57&cbll=41.209515,-111.979232&hl=en&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Wall+Ave+%26+Patterson+St,+Ogden,+Weber,+Utah+84401&ll=41.209332,-111.979244&spn=0.007006,0.016512&t=h&z=17&panoid=NFWUD38peAf9Z-Ktvg1Wkw

ok so I forgot to mention in my great moving blog THE BATHROOM. Not the bathroom in my house:) lol naw. The bathroom in the gas station at the bottom of our street.

In the...*ponders* 3.5 years we NEVER used this gas station, not even for gas, it looked all shadey, and then the gas prices were always 20 cents higher then what they should've been. Naturally we decided that it was just open for drug dealers:) We always joked about this, how they were just there for the dealers *sarcastic chuckle*...until the moving day...DUN-DUN-DUUUUUUUUNNNNNN!

Our bathroom at the house wasn't working because we shut off the water to the house months before due to us never using it:) and NATURALLY because there wasn't a potty in the house my bladder insisted that I had to pee. So we all took a potty brake to go down there. *shudder* it was badddd.

One - Yeah, it was shady...had gates up over the windows and ones you could pull over the doors...

Two - had to get a key for the bathroom...I know your all saying thats dumb, but I don't like it...

- I know your saying Jessica, thats silly...well this is where it gets bad...

The bathroom :
* the lock on the door was broken.

* it smelled like birds :( and other grossness

* NO TOILET COVERS!!! *starts crying*

* Facet was halfway broken

* Soap dispenser sprayed soap everywhere

* No towels :(

And now for the rest of the store :

* On the counter was a big ol' picture of a scantily dressed woman that said "sex 'something'" apparently it was an energy drink...

* They had PIPES in the counter windows. Not tabacco pipes - PIPES. Like drug pipes.

* They had "Relaxation Brownies" (I know any one who say that 70's show is chuckling:) but GOOD NIGHT!)

* Then 2 hours later one of the guys went to use the bathroom and it was out of order...

It was bad...if you ever have to use this bathroom...DON'T!!!!!

ok, I gotta go get caught up on my immunizations now...

The End.

Monday, February 21, 2011

hmm...a 30 day challenge...

So I have a friend doing this on her blog, and I have a bunch of friends doing this on the Facey-Spacey... So I'm thinking I might just do it...tommorrow :) but this is how Its suppose to roll :

Day 1 - A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
Day 2 – Tell us about your job.
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 – Your dream wedding.
Day 8 – A song to match your mood.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 – Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 – A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 – Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – What’s in your purse?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.
Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?
Day 28 – Your favorite movie.
Day 29 - Your biggest Pet Peeve
Day 30 – Something you could never get tired of doing.

So yeah, lets see how it goes:)

The Great - Emptying

Let the record show we still have 11 days!!!

ANY WHO! yesterday we took all of our belongings out of the Ogden house:) it was bitter-SWEET. It was sad, cause I do love the house, and that was OUR house, thats the house we moved into when we got married, I found out I was pregnant in that house, I brought my baby home in that house, baby learned to walk in that house.
AND YET, in that same house, we had a giant tree fall through our fence, our washer exploded, we shared the abode with household centipedes, where we had to change the faucet in the tub, where the stupid security people put a giant whole in my wall, where I locked myself out of the car thousands of times...

Like I said bitter - SWEEEEEET!

We got cousin Aaron to help us then outta the blue mamma pam and new daddy dale and brandon came to help and the FABULOUS Dale went out and rented piano dolly's and let us store my piano in his storage unit so I could keep it:) he's so cool! But everyone was so amazingly helpful! Aaron got us a truck from his work and everything, stayed the whole 12 hour day helping us move! Family is so cool!

and now - PICTURES!

Giant spider! I only found two in the whole emptying though:) oh, and one dead cricket:)

Joshua got me these flowers:) I think for valentines day but I was afraid of transporting them so...I took a picture of them and threw them away...:)

These two make me laugh:) they're funny:)

Bye-Bye house:)

So Sad...


We have gooberous ammounts of stuff:)

Yay for being done!!!

ta-da!!! So glad it's done, now we can shut off the gas and send in paper work and wait for the bank to be done:)

Thank you for your time:)

The End!

How Great Thou Art

Sacrament Meeting was truely amazing yesterday.
Our stake president told us about this picture, I found it.

Remember the reason for the sacrament. Remember all He did for us. Remember the covenants you've made. And always remember He loves you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Scanning Electron Microscope photos

This is just so Cool!!! Yeah for technology:)

An Ant holding a microchip

Surface of an Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory silicon microchip

Eyelash hairs growing from human skin

The surface of a strawberry:) mmm:)

Bacteria on a human tongue...*sudders*

Human Sperm *giggles silly-like*

The hooks and loops of Velcro:)

Household dust: includes long hairs of cat fur, twisted synthetic and woollen fibres, serrated insect scales, a pollen grain, and plant and insect remains

The weave of nylon stocking fibers

Head of a mosquito

Head louse on human hair

Eight eyes...on the head of a tarantula...*HUGE SHUDDER*

Hair and shaving cream on razor blades

Corroded surface of a rusty nail

Mushroom Spores

Clutch of butterfly eggs on a raspberry plant

Calcium phosphate crystal

The end

BAAAAD Weddings

K, I know some people had issues with my wedding and thought it wasn't up to par (as a side note I LOVED my wedding), but at least you can admit my wedding was nowhere near as shameful as these weddings :

Really...really???? how...why...shame.

Gag me with a tiki torch.

I will bet there were definitely tears at this wedding...

missing sad...

Alice in Pimpland

Nothing says I love you like stabbing a replica of your bride... words...

Good news is the two species cannot reproduce.

nothing says I Love You like a beer bong. words

who needs a limo!

I think this wouldn make anyone feel better about their wedding day:)