Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good Times and Music

Last night we got to go to a concert! It was great!

Josh (because he's got mad skill) called into K-bull 93 and won four free tickets to the Low Dough Christmas Show!! So we called Taryn and Rob and convinced Robin that it wouldn't be the worse night of his life :)

So naturally the day of the concert I woke up sickly, because my life is amazing like that:) But I sucked it up, took some medicine and went anyway!

So we drove downtown and got to walk through the freezing cold to the ENERGY SOLUTIONS ARENA (really, whoever named it that deserves a kick in the shin). I kid. (tee-hee). We got to listen to three, that's right THREE different groups slash people! The first was Bombshell! They were amazing! They're songs are so fun and upbeat that if we had had the money I soooooo would've bought it right then and there! Then there was Buckey Covington. He was HILARIOUS!! He has awesome stage presents and he was so energetic. At one point he actually picked one girl up and took on stage with him, it was so cute! Then last, but definitely not least was Phil Vasser! Good night! He is great! He had a big ol' piano on stage that was ZEBRA SRIPED!!! Taryn and I just about jumped the body guards to get on the stage to play it!! I kid. (tee-hee).

But it was all great fun! I haven't been able to play with Taryn in a very long time and Joshua hasn't seen his Rob in so long! It was so great!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Dark Threads

I was reading in my Semenary scriptures last night and I found two quotes glued in that I love! I had completely forgotten that they were there.

As a side note I found them in Mosiah 24 if the whole 5 people that read this would like to do some scriptural studying.

My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me:
I cannot choose the colors
He worketh steadily.

Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow
And I in foolish pride,
Forget that He seeth the upper,
And I the under side.

Not till the loom in silent
and the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
and explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful
in the Weavers skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.

"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you c an understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts and does not seem to make sense. What on earth in he up to? The explanation is that he is building quite a different house that the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made in to a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace."
-C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity Pg. 160

I hope this helps someone. It is nice to be reminded at times that no matter what is going wrong, Heavenly Father knows, and that you do not know all of what is planned for you; that the dark threads are just as important as the threads of silver and gold.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Things to Come

This is a post of things to come.
All my pictures are on my computer but the internet is on my dads computer so I don't want to blog till I have pictures.

Halloween was AMAZING!
I love Halloween!
Mae was a lady-bug
Mae was the CUTEST lady-bug.
Josh didn't get to dress up cause he worked late.

We're all moved into my moms house
and it's not that bad :)
luckily our room is pretty big so it's not too cramped!

Maeby turns one tomorrow!
I can't believe she's that big already!
*side note*
A year ago today, I was prego and SO done...

I think that is all for now.

And like a fat kid playing dodge ball, I'M OUT!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy 22

This years birthday was AMAZING! It kinda blew last years birthday out of the water!

To recap :
Last year I was prego -
10 days away from my due date prego.
We were dirt poor.
Josh worked until about 6.
To celebrate we window shopped at the mall.
Joshua tried to make it nice for me, but with all of the factorsit just didn't work out for me.

So this year we decided to celebrate on the monday before my birthday because - lucky me - my birthday landed on Josh's meeting day again.

So we started out with my present from Joshua! *Drum-roll please*

It's true! I'm the LUCKIEST woman ever! Joshua found this deal like two months ago (and what a fabulous deal it was!) and snagged it! It pays for air fair and hotel stay and some come with shows! There are six choices and I get to choose four of them! I'm thinking we're going to go with the four in the picture:) Now all we have to do is wait for a good weekend...well...we have to wait for Josh to work up sick time and time off. And then we get to go! My Joshua is amazing!

So after that we went and dropped the Maeby-baby at her grandmas house. Then we went to the mall and got to (ironically) window shop, and then we went to a movie:) I already saw Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, but Josh hadn't seen it so we went and saw it! In 3D none the less! It was really fun! Then we got to go to dinner at Pams house:) and....Josh got sick. So we didn't stay for very long. But it was good food:)

Then on my birthday Josh came home from his meeting with PIZZA and a ROB!!!! And then my KRISTY and WHITNEY (and her wee one) came later!!! My Joshua surprised me!!! It was so great! I love seeing my friends! And then friends with pizza is just AMAZING!!!

So I would like to say thank you to my Joshua! He has make this birthday OOH so fabulous!

Friday, October 16, 2009

To Move or not to...wait....Nope, Defiately moving.

I felt like blogging but I couldn't decide what and the flip of the coin it to inform everyone of what they already know...*eh-hem*


Thats right! The Welch family is leaving stinky old ogden!!! Don't get me wrong. Ogden is not as bad as everyone says it is. I just don't like it. It's to far away. We're very very excited about the move!

The Story :

Josh has been trying to get a transfer closer to West Valley for a while now and then outa nowhere a position opened up in Bountiful, not super close, but he jumped on it like a fat kid on a cup cake! Took about a week but then we found out Josh got it! Same hours same schedule, but the commision should be more (I hate commision). And so far Josh is liking it way much! Probably just because he doens't have to deal with his old managers any more...but he still likes it. Ware house is father away, but because the job and warehouse are farther away Josh gets a company car that just happens to be...*looks around*...*checks again*.... A PRIUS!!! Very much excitement on Josh's part there.

So the curant plan is as follows :

Step one : Get Josh a transfer. (CHECK)

Step two : Pack up the house.

Step three : Move in with Mommy and Papi until house sells.

Step four : House sells.

Step five : Look for (probabaly) a nice trailer.


And thus is our plan:). We like our plan and we're REALLY hoping it works for us. We're planning on moving out of the house the monday after Halloween. I can't wait to leave Ogden!

List of Things I Will Miss :

1 : My house :(

2 : The closeness of the mall.

3 : A grand total of 3 people.

And thus is our plan as it stands! I thank you again for all your listening ears! Luv Mush!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Is there a Spider/owl on the 1 dollar bill? a SPROWL???

Disclaimer : Josh says your all going to laugh at me for not knowing this already, but I can't be the only one who didn't know. So if you did know about this don't leave comments laughing at me:)

Is there an owl or spider (sprowl) on the one dollar bill??? Take a look O.O

I vote that it's an Owl...mostly because it's a lot less creepy then a spider:)
Just random:)
Peace Out!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grease 2

Grease 2? More like Grease POO!!!

I told Josh I was going to do this so *neener-neener-neener*

So the background : Joshua and I have signed up for blockbuster rental thing, kinda like netfilx. And Josh decided since I hadn't seen Grease two, that we would rent it because it's super easy now:) So last night we watched it.

It was CRAP.

So to start my issues with this movie I didn't believe Michelle Pfeiffers charactor at all! She suppose to be this rebel/not into anything/cool chick, and she's suppose to be singing all these REALLY goofy songs. To see her sing those songs is just silly.

I love musicals just as much as the next person but my goodness! Half of the songs in this movie had NO RELEVENCE to the movie! None what-so-ever! Here's a list of some of the songs in the movie :

Back to School Again (rediculously choriagraphed)
Cool Rider (One of the two things in the movie that wasn't rediculous)
Girl for All Seasons (Pretty sure this is a real song but it's SILLY!)
Do If for Our Country (REEALLY!?!)
Who's That Guy? (didn't believe anyone singing this song)
Prowlin' (They were aloud to sing this song in the TALENT SHOW?!?)
Reproduction (I say agian : REALLY!?!?!)
Charades (sung in his was really weird...)
Turn Back the Hands of Time (she has a breakdown in the talent show with this song and wins??)
Rock-A-Hula-Luau (I was embarassed to see them sing this...)
We'll Be Together (a SAAAAAAD atempt at remaking the "We'll Be Together" in Grease)

Really!?! I could not believe half these songs! "reproduction" Really???

The exeption to this movie is the super sexy exchange student Maxwell Caulfield. Smart and handsome and in the end is half shirtless AND riding a motorcycle:) Go Team Go! The only other exeption is I enjoyed the song "Cool Rider" .

So overall it was not worth the hour 114 minutes that I spent watching it and trying to restle the baby so I could watch it.

Actors :
Michelle Pfeiffer
Maxwell Caulfield

Rating :

My Rating :

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I think they hate me

An Angry Blog

disclamer : I'm going to try not to use names, so that people won't hate me for venting about others. But I doubt that it'll matter much because I doubt they care enough to read my blog. But I feel that if I don't vent somewhere I'm going to explode and little bits of Jessica will fall from the sky. As another thought maybe if they do by some randomness read this they might get that my feel goods are kind of being hurt. End disclaimer.

I hate that they do this to us!!! I realize that we are the only ones in this particular "group" that try to always go to church and be good little mormon people (this is not me saying this "group" should be more like us, I just want them to ACCEPT IT) but just because we are this way doesn't mean that we don't want to be a part of "the childs" life! We want to be there for "specifice celebrations" but if they keep having them at a water park or at chucky cheese or at McDonalds on SUNDAY : WE WON'T COME. I don't see why we can't decide to do it on a different day of the week, since for one : it's summer some people in this "group" might not work during the summer, and for two some other people in this "group" might have days off that just happen to be the same days off as Josh's that would be GREAT for doing "specific celebrations". We want to be able to come to these "specail celebrations" and the like but I dont' see why the "group" can't make it a little bit eisier for us to come.

We don't have "meals" together because we always feel like if we ask to go over we're imposing and it just makes things hard on the "group". But then RARELY do they invite us over for "meals". And then every so often we get coments from people in the "group" that we always have dinner with a different "group" and they make it sound like we're being mean about it. The reason we go to the second "group" for meals is because they don't make us feel like they have to go out of their way for it and THEY INVITE US.

And I think as my last thought I will consetrate on how I feel like the "group" doesn't like me very much. The "group" always talks to Josh about everything, never me. They have a ( to put it...) "way of comunicating" with a larger portion of the "group" and they always act like we NEVER check the "way of comunicating" and it's a sin, and it ends up being my fault because I should be the one to check on it. The "group" ends up making me feel - by way of comments, or what-have-you - like I'm incompetent. Like just because I grew up "sheltered" or not in the "group" I know nothing. The "group" debates on a regular basis, and if I try to make a comment I'm either wrong, the "group" interupts, or I don't know what I'm talking about. I never feel excepted. I'm just the appendage that one day appeared at Josh's side.

Side note : We got cute pictures taken:) Here's one. And have a nice day.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A huge MWAH to my Kristy

This is a super cool happy birthday for my Kristy!!! I ♥ my Kristy (and I've got freetime) so I'm doing a blog FULL of pictures and stories of my Kristy!

In our High School play our Senior year Kristy was a wolf! The sexiest wolf of them all!

My Kristy and My Shalay! This was in Social Dance, and not to brag, BUT, we were the best dancers in the class!

On of the last days of school, Tysha, Kristy and I Chilled in G-hall (where else would we be!?) and we got bored! Thus this picture!

HAHA! Kristy, Shalay and I took a Senior Trip to St. George and it was way fun!!! Kristy and I had WAY too much fun with the camera!

This was Me, Shalay and Kristy I think...nope, no real story to this one :) We just decided to go play and see a movie!

This was the night of Shalay's going away party. After the party Kristy, Laura, Josh and I went to an institute dance:) we're so silly sometimes!

After I had My Maeby-Baby my Kristy and Wee Laura came to see me and the baby:) Kristy is the best Auntie EVER!! Maeby Loves her!

Haha:) Richard is a nerd:) this was a Valentines dance in...2008:) we had great fun!

Kristy, Tysha and me going to the second girls night out! We had great fun:) especially until 2 in the morning trying to drop tysha off:) LoL it was great times!

This is also another HAHA! This was the night of Shalay's Bachlorette party:) The few of us that were still there watched static on the TV upside down!

And thus is the ode to my Kristy! I hope she has the BESTEST Birthday ever! She deserves it!! MWAH!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th 'O" July

So I haven't blogged in a REALLY long time! So I'm going to pretend that I have a good bunch of stuff to blog about and roll with it!

I had so much fun this fourth of July!! I got my family to come up to my house (well some of them anyway:) and we had great fun!

We're lame and so we don't have a BBQ, so instead we had hogies! I LOVE HOGIES! And I think we did very well with them. They were good! And then after a couple hours of finally digesting hogies and salads galore we had pie! I LOVE PIE!!! And if I do say so myself, I made the most FABULOUS strawberry pie EVER! ( I shoulda taken a picture...) And I made a Bannana Cream and my mommy made these fabulous rasberry cream pies with rasberries from her house! they were awesome!
I was SOOO excited to have Maeby see the fireworks! She's just so very curious about EVERTHING that I knew she would think they were the COOLEST thing ever...but then during the day she missed a nap in all the excitement and had to go to bed on time and thus miss out on was terrible sad... But she still had great fun! She got to see Great Grandma and Grandpa and Memaw and Gaffer and aunts and uncles! She loved it!

And of course the fireworks were wonderfull:) As you can see Josh loves playing with his fire...maybe a little too much:) but Hal and Noah had great fun helping him light them off. Earlier in the day they wanted to do the parachute fireworks (because lookin for the little parachute in the dard would be NO fun) and a bunch of the Neighbor kids came over and chased them down with Hal and Noah. They had great times.

And while the boys were having fun with their fireworks Ellen and I had WAYYYY too much fun with the sparklers! We used all of them in about...10 minutes! It was fun!

And the funniest part of my night was about the time that I started being sad with my neighbors for setting off tons of illegal fireworks, the fire departement showed up and *says in mocking tone* THEY GOT IN TROUBLE! I thought it was funny!

But we had a really fun time and it was great food! I'm way stinkin' greatful that my family comes all the way up here to visit me! Specially on a holiday when Josh worked late! It's nice to get visits every so often!
Happy forth everyone!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Walk Tall Your a Daughter

Walk Tall Your a Daughter
Right now I have a prayer deep within my heart,
A prayer for each of you there is a special part.
That you remember who you are and him who lives above.
Please seek for him and live his way; You'll feel his love.

Walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God,
Be strong and remember who you are,
Try to understand, you're part of his great plan.
He's closer than you know, Reach up; he'll take your hand.

Long before the time you can remember,
Our Father held you in his arms so tender.
Those loving arms released you as he sent you down to earth.
He said, "My child, I love you. Don't forget your great worth."

Walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God,
Be strong and remember who you are,
Try to understand, you're part of his great plan.
He's closer than you know, Reach up; he'll take your hand.

This life on earth we knew would not be easy.
At times we lose our way his path we may not see.
But remember always that you are not alone.
He'll take your hand, He loves you! He will guide you home.

Walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God,
Be strong and remember who you are,
Try to understand, you're part of his great plan.
He's closer than you know, Reach up; he'll take your hand
I love this song. I had forgotten all about it sadly enough, and I remembered it the other night when I was singing the baby to sleep. I've been having some hard times, and now that I remember it, i'm hoping it'll help me get throuh this and remember that I have a purpose, and I am a beloved daughter of God and that he is always there to help take the pain away.
I hope this helps someone else as much as it has helped me.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ode To The Horse That Bit Taryn

These are beautiful moment brought to you by Myself and Tary:

.... go downtown and when you both finally leave to say goodbye, you go outside and it's puoring rain. You get the cab, open the door, you give your last good byes a beautiful kiss, a longing look, farwells again, you get in the cab and start driving off as you turn back to look at him through the rain soaked window you see him smiling at your cab as it drives away in the pouring rain........

there has to be that heart-stopping moment when he'll realize he will miss her so much. Then this guy next to him is about to get on his motorcycle, he'll pay the guy and take the bike and race towards her weaving in and out of trafic. Finds the cab and taps on the window then yells at the closed window "don't leave me! Don't go!" She yells back, the rain almost drowning out her cry, "but I must!" he almost gets hit by a passing car, the scared girl tells the driver to stop, he finally stops, stopping traffic behind them. She gets out and runs to him then stops tears mixing with the rain, "why did you come after me?" Looking deep into her eyes he answers "I love you. Can't you see that? I can't live with out you. I need you with me." A small yet ever so happy smile appears on her face and she closes the gap between them, throwing her arms around the man she loves. And whispers in his ear "I love you too, more than words can say." she pulls away enough to look into his eyes, and he kisses her. The sweetest kiss. They pull away now aware of how the rain is beating down on them and the and the car horns telling them to move. They smile at each other and get into the cab and drive away, knowing that they are with the person that will love them forever with out end....

I wuv you taryn!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

So here's my problem, I hate going to the bathroom! It takes time out of my day! I could get SO much more done if I didn't have to go to the bathroom! Like really! I hate it! IT'S SUPER DUMB!

So my question :

When we die and are in our perfect resurrected bodies, will I still have to go to the bathroom!?!

I want feed back! REALLY! Leave me comments!

Love Mush!

Jess :)

JoSh'S BiRtHdAy!!!

First let me say *eh-hem*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE! I love you and appreciate you SO much! And I hope I didn't embarrass you tooooo bad for you birthday;)
I think I did ok on letting my Josh have his party! We sent out silly little invites (really, the were army tank shaped! They were silly!) And my Joshua got to have himself a Halo party! They wore silly army hats and stared intently at the screen!

And of course we women had fun too! We watched them become so very intent about their gaming! We also had fun deciding that their character names were their Stripper names (haha). My beloved Joshua was 'MuStArD', Kyle was 'CuStArD', Rob was 'NaPpY', and sweet Aaron came in last as (teehee) 'LuCkY'. (Robbie [not to be confused with Rob] did get to come and play but was not there for the stripper name giving)

I also got to have fun with Josh's cake! See ^ !!! It was kinda fun! (incase it's bad enough that you can't tell, or if you are just that un-gamey, it's the extra life mushromm from Mario!). And (because I rock) Josh got to have his confetti cake with confetti icing, and I got my chocolate!

He also got to have a party with family....but the pictures didn't turn out that great...So they be lacking from this page, But Josh tells me he had great times!
Of couse the rest of us ladies had fun! Maeby had fun thinking she was cute and flirting with Taryn! Mae had fun taking Maeby's toys and making her mommy chase her! And the last picture is just a really fun one that turned out! It was all a very fun time!
Closing statement:
Thank you to all those who brought stuff to the party, and thank you to all those who came, period! Josh had a lovely time and was sooo happy you came!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Let me start with a statement :


So I've found that a lot of people have serious issues with just letting things be!

I have a reacuring moment when I'm reminded in little ways that I'm still baby fatty and I "need to buy new clothes". To this I say one, no right havest thou! I'm reminded everyday when I look in my mirror or when I try to fit into my old clothes, and I'm trying to convince myself that it's ok, but I don't need help from other people. And did it ever acure to these people that I'm still kinda working on it? I dunno, it's like it's hard losing baby fat and trying to keep baby happy at the same time! woosh, big concept there! Tee hee.

Another one that people seem to be kinda silly about is my girls nights out or when I go dancing period. Firstly : I love going to play with my friends! It's so fun to forget for a little while that I'm a "grown up" and a mommy, and just have fun! Dancing makes me feel good! But I have, hmm... people that are silly about it. "They" think it's silly that, one : I go dancing with out my husband, two : it's silly and imature, and a new one that I don't go or I leave early from partys or other things to go play (when I've made these plans AT LEAST a month in advance so I can make sure I can go). My things with all of this is that for the girls night out, Josh is happy that I go dancing, he likes that I go have fun! And I like that it's silly and immature! It makes me feel good to have my fun. But my biggest thing is that all these people don't know what I'm going through, and if this is something that makes me happy then so be it!

My last one is just people telling me how I need to do things. I'm a big girl now! I pay house payments and everything! And I think I'm doing ok. I don't think I need "you" telling me "well Jess, you should be doing this" or "not doing this". I've got it, and if not, I'll either ask for help or I'll figure it out on my own. I've got this :).

My ending statement is that I'm having hard times, and all of the people that give me a hard time don't know any of it. Some of them don't even talk to me outside certain ocassions and therefore don't know me or whats going on and have no right telling me it's silly or I look fat or I shouldn't be doing it. Now don't get me wrong, have your oppinion, if you want to think that all the power in the world to you! Go tell your friends or you husband, family, what ever, but don't tell me I'm doing it wrong.

Live and let live:) I got this:)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"Seven names. Seven strangers. One secret."

So we finally got to see Seven Pounds, and it was a wonderful movie! truely wonderful!

The only problem is I'm not sure I can even try a real reveiw with out ruining the whole I might just findsomething online...

Will Smith (Ben Tomas) a man at a crossroads. He embarks on a journey to help change the circumstances of seven strangers who deserve a second chance in life. But when he opens his heart to a beautiful woman who needs his help, he risks everything he's planned for one last chance at love.

I would definately suggest buying this one or at least rent it! Will Smith does a fabulous job! Yet again!

Actors : Will Smith

Rosario Dawson
Rating : PG-13

My Rating : A+

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Last night was one of the more fun motherly nights so I thought I would write of my nightly adventure! (ye mothers to be, beware, this could make ye a little frighted):

(must first know baby was suppose to eat at midnight, but usually would've gone till 2 am)

10:00 - Actually went to bed on time. So Josh and I stayed up to watch the news, and then shower.

11:30 - Maeby drops binky so mommy goes and fixes it.

11:31 - Again has to fix binky.

(at this point Zanadoo desides it would be fun to sharpen her claws on Maeby's BRAND NEW toy, and thus gets her butt kicked and sprayed)

11:32 - Yet again, binky.

11:33 - At this point the screaming is angry so I go to sit in her room and give her her binky if

she manages to drop it.

11:36 - Mae is screaming and VERY upset, so I figure she might actually be hungry, So we feed


11:46 - Swaddles Mae and puts her soundly back into bed.

2: 15 - We drop the binky and starts crying so we have to fix that.

2:35 - Again the binky.

2:45 - Maeby starts crying again, so we put the binky back in thinking that MUST be the issue.

2:54 - Crying.

3:00 - The crying is bad again, so I try feeding her again, (when she would've fed at 3:30 but coulda gone till 5:30) and low, she's hungry.

3:10 - Swaddled and back in bed.

4:00 - Drops the binky, and cries.

4:30 - Drops the binky...again. This time only little fussing.

5:17 - Drops the binky...

5:50 - You guessed it, Binky. and crying.

6:05 - Crying and binky.

6:17 - I make Josh get up for work so I can bring an unhappy Maeby-baby to bed with me.

6:50 - fusses a bit and manages to get an arm out of her swaddling:) so I have her snuggled up to me to keep her asleep.

7:15 - Start fussing, so we try feeding again, and low. (shoulda eaten at 30 or later)

7:25 - Swaddled and back asleep.

(FINALLY is aloud to get some sleep - Ufortunately that twice during my sleeping time Zanadoo decides this would be a GREAT time to try to open the closet:) our VERY SQUEEKY closet, and it's not just open and done, oh no. It's open...wait...little more...wait...litlle more....wait-then Jessica throws a pillow at her! So she comes back in half an hour and does it again.)

9:55 - Wakes up to a smiling happy Maeby-baby trying to grab my nose:)

And that is the story of my life:)

Lucky for the Maeby she's really cute:)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


We have a new creepy! A DOOR PHANTOM!

See it started two nights ago, Josh and I were up at midnight twenty (he was watching Leno, and I playing on the puter), and out of nowhere we hear our screan door and someone knocks on our door...AT MIDNIGHT-TWENTY!!!! Creepy much! So naturally, we muted the TV and sat there in complete silence for about ten minutes. That night when we went to bed we ended up so paranoid that we got Maeby from her crib, put her in the bassinette in our room and locked the bedroom :).

Then today we came home from Martsie's bridal shower, and we get into the driveway and we notice that our screen door is open..... There was no wind holding it open, and it's not broken so the only way that it stays open is if you use the little Jimmy-rigging thing to keep it open. Also creepy much!!! But everything is still we're not sure whats going on...

So until next time with....THE PHANTOM!!!!


Sunday, March 15, 2009



We enjoyed this movie! Had the good guy the bad guy and the cute little kid! And of course, Hugh Jackman! It's way funny and dramatic in the begining, and keeps some of the funny stays throughout the movie.

Takes place at the beging of world war two : English woman leaves he FABULOUS english estate to go talk some sence into her husband running a cattle farm like thing, out in the middle of nowhere. Gets there gets stuck in the middle of a bar fight (caused by the man that was sent to pick her up). And things get sorted just in time for her to go to the ranch to find her husband has been murdered. And thus it tells the story of her finding her place on said ranch, finding new love and all the happy's that go with it.

For the most part it is a family movie BUT (the all mighty but) it does have some "wrong-sided-business" (you'll understand when you see it), cusses a tiny bit and drops the "F-bomb" once.

The only problem I could see someone having with the movie is that it could've ended two or three times; literally ended comepletely! I didn't have an issue with it, but I was watching it from the comfort of my own home, if I had watched it in the theater it might've bugged me.

But over all a great movie! We think we'll buy this one!

Actors : Hugh Jackman

Nicole Kidman

Rated : PG-13

My Rating : B+

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Starting Out

BLOGGING!!! I've never blogged before and nowing my luck no one will ever read this...but I felt it would be fun to do this.

I will prolly use this to write my own silly movie reviews so I can remember if I liked movies or not.

I might use this to rant about ppl...animals...neighbors...inatimate ogjects and so forth.

this will be uplifting I'm sure....peace.