Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MIKA - Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

Best. Song. Ever.

The End.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Five Question Friday!!

I've been super slacker about this lately:) but I figured I was alread on a woo-hoo Blogging mood so I might as well:)

So you know how it goes - go to the blog listed on the cute little picture and copy and paste the picture and the questions and have some fun letting people get to know you:)

1. Where did you meet your spouse and did you instantly know it was love?

2. What is your favorite room in your house?

3. Can you wiggle your ears?

4. What is your evening ritual?

5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?

1. At a Church Valentines day Dance:) Feb 10 2006:) And by the end of the night I knew I loved him:) it was so funny. I'd been twitterpated before (well duh!) but this one...I dunno, I still can't wrap my head around it, I just felt so instantly calm around him. I could be me around him without having to worry about a felt (this is going to be SUPER corny, get ready for it) almost like we were two puzzle peices that were meant to fit together:) you know other puzzle peices, and your colors match and it looks like you could fit but somethings just not quite in place; not with Josh. "I think we met in the pre-existanc" >.< LoL sorry I had to:)

2. PSh. Trick question! in MY house, the house that has my name on the mortgage, either the back room or the living room:) so comfy:)
in my moms house - my room.

3. NO! And the Jelousy thereof is GREAT! But I can wiggle my nose like the lady on bewitched:) and I can do elvis lip on both sides:) but I can not do the raise-one-eyebrow thing...still working on that one...

4. Put spawn down...go hid in my room...take my pill...change into PJ' a movie while doing something...(I can't just sit and watch a movie...seriously, I can't do it) Say prayers read scriptures, turn on a movie, watch movie while getting sleepy, turn off movie, turn out light roll over, close eyes and wait for mr. sandman.

5. Gag. I need at least 8 :( in high school I could run on 4 and be chill! but now, there is no dice! if I get less than eight it takes me FOREVER to get out of bed (it already takes me forever to get out of bed so when I'm tired imagine how much worse it is!) and then I'm WAY pooped all day :/ No good.

There you have it:)

The End:)


I'm sure somebody out there has been listening to the CRAP-OLA that has been going on with my house and us tring to get the bank to be nice and to not forclose and to just take it back all nice-like welll....

*DruM RoLL*

They called us Wensday morning and IT'S GOOD!!! YAY!!! after 5 mon - Nay - 6 or 7 months of dealing with our first stupid mortgage company and then getting switched and dealing with a new company and having to fill out WAY too much paperwork


They're taking it back:)

*sigh of relief*

And so our representative told us to clean out the house and it (at least) 45 days we will FINALLY be free of the house! YAY!!!!

*and the people rejoiced*

Yeah, jessica is happy:) So to keep me up on how long I have I've added a gadget to countdown with me! YAY!

And Hubby just got his CNA certification and is applying for all sorts of jobs:) so we should be not as dirt poor here with in the next month and a half! YAY!!!

Thanks for listening to my rambling again:)

The End.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Show and Tell Saturday

I made all my Christmas Cards this year:) I'm kinda proud of them:)

And then on our Wensday activity we made these :

Isn't that fun!? they're puffy snowmen:) And the stay puffy! isn't that great! all you gotta d is mix regular old school glue and shaving cream (the puffy stuff). we're not entirely sure how much of might could try 3 parts shaving cream 1 part glue, equal parts is WAY too much and will not work, but you could try to 3 to 1 and then before they dry you stick on googley eyes or puff balls, glitter glue. And they dry all puffy:) but it will take a good three days to dry through:)

The End:)

Friday, January 7, 2011

5 Question Friday

5 Question friday again:)

Go to the blog, copy and paste the picture and questions and co to town...well...not for really, you should prolly finish the blog...but then you can go to town:)

1. What is your current favorite book, and why?

2. Do you go to the dentist regularly?

3. What is your worst memory from High School?

4. What do you hope to be remembered for in your life?

5. Are you superstitious or do you have any superstitions?

1. ...I like Chicken Soup for the Womens Soul. It makes me feel better.

2. :) poor teeth:)

3. huh...I dunno...huh...yah, know, later I think of something:) don't you worry, but AFTER I finish this blog:)

4. for being annoyingly optimistic:) for being happy. For raising a good girl. For being a good wife. Being a good friend.

5., I don't think so...I was when I was younger...but yeah, not so much now.

There you go. The end.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Yay for 2010:)
Saw a friend do this and I thought it would be fun:)So here are the highlights of my year:)

The Hair cuts:) two of them:) I don't think I'll ever leave my hair long agian!

Flowers from my Josh:) It was a good year for Flowers:)

Good times with GREAT FRIENDS!!!

Dancing:) Making boats with rob and taryn:) Laura's wedding:) Eclipse:) Tysha's farewell:) family funny's:) scary places:)

Getting my camera and FALLING in love with it!

Going to the Aquarium:)

Major Holiday's and Major Holiday pictures:)

Philipe the scary MOTH!

Attemting to say goodbye to my house:( And the kitties that lived on my porch:)

Hardy Family reunion:)


Baby turns 2:)


New Years:)


Peace out 2010!

Show & Tell Saturday

For our fun Wensday activity we made these 3D Snowflakes:)

Isn't that fun!?! and easy too! just do "how to make a 3D snowflake" and you'll find out how:)