Friday, October 29, 2010

FiVe QuEsTioN FriDaY!

1. If you could be a fly on any wall, which would you choose?

2. Do you budget your Christmas shopping or just get it done without budgeting?

3. What is the craziest fad diet you have ever done?

4. Is there a TV show that you have seen every episode/season of?

5. What one song always pulls at your heart?

1. If you could be a fly on any wall, which would you choose?...I'm not sure this question makes sense...*checks origianal question* OH! I missed the "on ANY wall" part:) lol
Ummm...I really don't know...huh...I really don't know...yeah, I can't tell you...back in high school I might've been able to pick something random and funny:) but for now, nothing:)

2. Do you budget your Christmas shopping or just get it done without budgeting?I huge budget! I plan out what i'm getting each person and how much it costs and where I can get it cheapest, i'm super silly like that...

3. What is the craziest fad diet you have ever done?
I did a "cheating diet pill" drink 2 glasses of water with the pill half an hour before dice. I know, you're shocked.

4. Is there a TV show that you have seen every episode/season of?
Buffy the Vampire slayer, Angel, Law and order SVU...and I'm working on say yes to the dress:)

5. What one song always pulls at your heart?
Your gonna miss this, and I hope you dance:) I hope you Dance always makes me cry:) dancing is Jessicas ..."life motto" I guess you could say. And my baby is a dancer, and you know, the mommy in me just hopes she always gets what she needs, always feels loved, keeps moving forward, and never knows fear:)

And there you have it:)Check me out! got wordless wensday and 5QF both in one week! I'm so good:)

Tomorrow is fake halloween! I LOVE HALLOWEEN! So expect a big blog full of lots of silly pictures:)YAY HALLOWEEN!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wordless Wensday...Kinda...

Happy birthday Gaffer:)

Hal would kick my butt if he knew I had posted this:) DON'T TELL HIM ELLEN!
He kept trying to tell a story and we'd make silly little comments interupting him. He tried tell it 3 times then gave up. Mom told us not to talk, so ellen and I covered our mouths as to lessen the temptation, and I *IN MY FOOLISHNESS* thought it would be ok to take his picture:) apparently, it was NOT ok:)

Friday, October 22, 2010


GOSH! I'm a lamo! I completely forgot wordless wensday AGAIN! gosh! thats two weeks for wordless wensday andI missed 5QF last week! good gravey! but here's this weeks 5QF :

1. Who is the better cook, you or your spouse?

2. How often do you talk to your mom?

3. Are you adventurous in the kitchen or stick to the recipe?

4. Is your second toe longer than your big toe?

5. Do you dress up for Halloween? (Bonus question: What will you be this year?)

1. Who is the better cook, you or your spouse?

I think I am...Joshua doesn't like cooking much so...

2. How often do you talk to your mom?
Every -stinkin- day:) lol I kinda sorta live in her house so....:)

3. Are you adventurous in the kitchen or stick to the recipe?
Both. I like the same recipes but I do like trying new ones:) my one problem is that in trying new recipes, I hate the recipes that are overly...over...yeah know? use fresh garlic from the top of mount sini and only mince it to 1/11 of an inch, then saute in extra extra extra extra extra vergin olive vegitable peanut oil. I like new stuff, but not the silly stuff:)

4. Is your second toe longer than your big toe?

indeed:) not like OH MY GOSH! HOLY LONG TOE BATMAN! but a smidgen longer. now if you wanna talk long loes, my brothers toe is SO LONG! I think my family pinned him down and measured it once, 2 INCHES! NO JOKE! long toes!

5. Do you dress up for Halloween?
Yeah buddy:) I love dressing up for halloween! I think it's great fun! and thanks for reminding me I have to look for something to do!


Yesterday was my birthday! YAY! and I had so much fun!

I got some spicey queso! and sixlets;) and a CD and a gift card to ROSS! (I LOVE ROSS) And today I get a HULA HOOP! I've wanted a Hula Hoop forever! YAY! And crafty stuff:) I needed some more paint so it was great! And Josh got me colored daisies! I love Colored daisies!


There you go:)

The End:)

Monday, October 18, 2010


In todays story we hear the woefull tale of a sad young woman

This person, my friends cousins sisters pet hampsters sisters grandmas owners aunt-
We'll call her Hanna.
well, it just so happens that *Hanna* lives with one of the most IRRITATING people on the planet-
we'll call him Ugene.
So *Hanna* tries very hard to get along with all of her room mates, but then every so often *Ugene* does something so SELFISH that she just can't keep herself calm!
For instance :
There was once that the roommates went to a hot dog festival, but *Ugene* and *Hanna*'s significant other -
we'll call him Franchesco
Weren't able to come
*croud sighs*
So the roommates were able to bring home 5 polish dogs to be shared between those that couldn't be there and to have as left overs.
The next day *Franchesco* came home from a tiring day of work and was greated with happy thoughts of eating a delishous polish dog! But when *Franchesco* went to the fridge to fetch his polish...There were none to be found!
*croud gasps*
In questioning *Ugene* we found that he had come home from work late the night of the hot dog festival to find the polish dogs, and proceded to eat 3 posish dogs for dinner and 2 for breakfast the next morning, leaving NONE for *Franchesco*.
*croud boo's*

In another recent situation The roommates had a celebratory dinner celebrating a friends engagement-
we'll call her Becky.
For dinner there was delightfull salad and garlic bread and the hostess's AMAZING Lasagna! Unfortunately again *Ugene* and *Franchesco* we not able to be there as they had to work.
*croud sighs*
But after dinner it was guarenteed that there would be plenty of left over to satisfy both boys hunger.
*croud cheers*
The next day *Franchesco* came home once again with a longing for the delightfull Lasagna that awaited him in the fridge! But when looking for it, none could be found!
In questioning *Ugene* we found again that he had consumed ALL of the left over Lasagna yet again, leaving none for *Franchesco*
*croud dabs at tears*

Sadly there is yet no happy ending to these tales of wo. Poor *Hanna* finds herself sad, not only for *Franchesco* who recieves to left overs, but also for *Ugene* who is going to end up terribly unhealthy if he does not stop consuming all of the left overs!

I'd like to thank you for joining us in this weeks tale of wo. We hope to see you again next time on :

Thank you and good day.

*Names and situations have been changed for the safety of the narrator*

Good Bye *eww-y* Tree

I haven't blogged in like a was a bad week...ANY WAY! So I figured I would share one of our adventures this weekend:)
The Apricot tree we've had in the back yard for YEARS (like, really. I think it was there when we moved in 14 years ago) has finally said bye-bye. Through the years it has made delicious nectar and jams and beautiful blossoms in the spring...and rotting messed in the fall... But yay verily, it bit the dust. It has been nasty infested by Gnats and Aphids.
Here are the pictures:)

The tree when we were about half way through...

The Aphids :P Nasty little things, When we'd pull off the branches the Gnats and Aphid would fall off like rain, IT WAS NASTY.

The webs near the tree were completely covered in Gnats and Aphids!

Bye-Bye tree. if you look close Ellen has Gnats all over her back!

There you have it:)

The End.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Problem with Young People Today

*I know third post of the day...I'm getting rediculous*

REALLY! You all need to read this guys blog! IT'S HILARIOUS!

You might think I'm kidding, or just being silly, WRONG! I cried I was laughing so hard:)

Seriously! Read it! ESPECIALLY read the one titled "They pee too much"! OH! MY! HECK! it's kinda truely amazing:) He does curse, but good golly it's funny:)


THE bathroom

I know I'm a giant goober, but I've been so stoked about planning my Forever home (as Josh and I call it) - prolly just cause I'm not living in my own house:) And then the 5 question friday asked about it and BAM! It's like fate was telling me that I HAD to tell you about my awesome plans:) So her you go!

This is my inspiration for my bathroom:)

I love love love the colors, the silvery and the deep purple:) you see, in my forever home My bedroom is going to have a lavender thing going on, so it only makes sence that the master bathroom would be purple! And you see my thing with the purple, one, super pretty color:) two, in MASH Hawk Eye always wore a purple robe, do you know WHY?!? because back in the day purple was a sign of royalty:) (so it's kinda awesome that Hawk Eye wore purple:)) but then I figure why can't my space be my own of royalty:)

The other thing, and why I'm so obsessive and making big plans to have this rediculous bathroom is because the bathroom with by MY space. I know that seems completely rediculous, BUT think about it. Kids - no matter what - will go in and out of any room in the house they feel like, but the bathroom is the one room you can lock with out fear of huge issue:) So I'm making it all mine:)

So I'm going to have a nice big tub one can stretch out in:) and a separate shower, and windows and - my favorite part - a sit down! I know, I'm silly:) but if it's going to be my own little space I want a place to sit if I want to just go hide for a little while:) so I'm going to have a little platform with some kind of sitting arangement on it:) not big just enough for a sit:)

*I know, I have a silly obsession with the paint program..but it keeps all my thoughts in one place:)*

So it's going to be this royal purple all over, but then the tile on the floor will go up to encircle the tub and the shower the go back down but go up the wall about... 6 inches, go be hind the toilet then in the other corner do a square platform that stays just about 6 inches above the floor:) And the door is going to have one of those old time door nobs on it with the big keys:)

I'm so excited about this:) and you see, we're going to be millionairs so we'll have the money for the rediculous remodeling we're going to do:)

Any who:) tell me you thoughts, maybe you have some AWESOME thought I missed:)

Love Mush!

Five Question Friday!

Today I look forward to this:) for no good reason:) just a good mood...taking a day off the wellness challenge:) eating way too much junk food, and it makes me feel good:)
copy and paste the picture and the questions and have fun answering:)

1. What do you listen to while driving?

2. What is your least favorite thing about Fall?

3. What does your dream house look like, inside and out?

4. Would you ever own a minivan?

5. Do you wash new clothes before wearing them?

1. What do you listen to while driving?
Any thing upbeat:) I'm one of those nerds that drives around with their music up way loud:) but I listen to anything upbeat:)

2. What is your least favorite thing about Fall?
um...wet dog! New hatred about fall, my little brother for his birthday got a dog...and he's...well, we like to say he's got too much fluff between his ears:) And he's a Shizu (?), and so bless his slow heart, he goes outside after it's rained good and hard and ROOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLS in the grass, and then STINKS! but it doesn't stop there - he comes inside and jumps on you, THEN he shakes and gets his stink sprayed all over the place, THEEENNNNNNNNN he ROOOLLLLLLLS INSIDE! on the floor, on the rug! And then the house smells like wet dog FOREVER! YUCK!

3. What does your dream house look like, inside and out?

Ohhhhh, buddy. can of worms thou didst just open:) I have my master bathroom, Wash room, living room, family room, master bed room, maeby's room and the back yard ALLLLL planned out:) I have every intention of posting my ideas for my bathroom soon:)

4. Would you ever own a minivan?
Psh, all the cool moms do! So SHAW!

5. Do you wash new clothes before wearing them?
depends on where they're from, and sometimes I do just cause the germs freak me out:)

The END!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

*WorDLess WensDaY*

Monday, October 4, 2010

Temple Square

To celebrate 2 years of being sealed we decided to go to temple square with Maeby:) and we had some good fun:) and, naturally, we took tons of pictures:)

I love this statue:)

Ta-Da! (maeby was a little slow on the ta-da part:))

Me and Maeby:)

Maeby and Josh ontop of the conference center:)

Bug:) on top of the conference center:)

She's a little blured, but stil:)

And there you have it:) I love you Joshua and Maeby:)

The End:)

Friday, October 1, 2010


1. Did you have a pen pal when you were little (or now)? Where were/are they from?

2. If you could do a different job for one day, what would it be?

3. Do you remember your biggest fear from when you were little?

4. What do you think is a waste of time? Why?

5. What is the oldest item you have in your closet?

1. Nope:) the end.

2. ...I got nothing. seriously....Oh, background singer:)

3. dark, aliens...seriously, terrified of aliens, no joke.

4. haha:) what i'm doing right now:) haha:)

5. dress from high school:) needless to say, it doesn't fit:)

sorry...short answers....just not super feeling it today...yeah. so I go now.

Peace out.