Monday, May 18, 2009

Ode To The Horse That Bit Taryn

These are beautiful moment brought to you by Myself and Tary:

.... go downtown and when you both finally leave to say goodbye, you go outside and it's puoring rain. You get the cab, open the door, you give your last good byes a beautiful kiss, a longing look, farwells again, you get in the cab and start driving off as you turn back to look at him through the rain soaked window you see him smiling at your cab as it drives away in the pouring rain........

there has to be that heart-stopping moment when he'll realize he will miss her so much. Then this guy next to him is about to get on his motorcycle, he'll pay the guy and take the bike and race towards her weaving in and out of trafic. Finds the cab and taps on the window then yells at the closed window "don't leave me! Don't go!" She yells back, the rain almost drowning out her cry, "but I must!" he almost gets hit by a passing car, the scared girl tells the driver to stop, he finally stops, stopping traffic behind them. She gets out and runs to him then stops tears mixing with the rain, "why did you come after me?" Looking deep into her eyes he answers "I love you. Can't you see that? I can't live with out you. I need you with me." A small yet ever so happy smile appears on her face and she closes the gap between them, throwing her arms around the man she loves. And whispers in his ear "I love you too, more than words can say." she pulls away enough to look into his eyes, and he kisses her. The sweetest kiss. They pull away now aware of how the rain is beating down on them and the and the car horns telling them to move. They smile at each other and get into the cab and drive away, knowing that they are with the person that will love them forever with out end....

I wuv you taryn!!!


Taryn Evenson said...

Oh yay Jessica! That made me so incredibly happy! Why are we so awesome! We totally need to make that movie. Only I'm not sure it should have been an ode to that horse. That was a terribly mean horse.

Anonymous said...

that was really sweet!!!

- Ellen:)