Thursday, August 13, 2009

I think they hate me

An Angry Blog

disclamer : I'm going to try not to use names, so that people won't hate me for venting about others. But I doubt that it'll matter much because I doubt they care enough to read my blog. But I feel that if I don't vent somewhere I'm going to explode and little bits of Jessica will fall from the sky. As another thought maybe if they do by some randomness read this they might get that my feel goods are kind of being hurt. End disclaimer.

I hate that they do this to us!!! I realize that we are the only ones in this particular "group" that try to always go to church and be good little mormon people (this is not me saying this "group" should be more like us, I just want them to ACCEPT IT) but just because we are this way doesn't mean that we don't want to be a part of "the childs" life! We want to be there for "specifice celebrations" but if they keep having them at a water park or at chucky cheese or at McDonalds on SUNDAY : WE WON'T COME. I don't see why we can't decide to do it on a different day of the week, since for one : it's summer some people in this "group" might not work during the summer, and for two some other people in this "group" might have days off that just happen to be the same days off as Josh's that would be GREAT for doing "specific celebrations". We want to be able to come to these "specail celebrations" and the like but I dont' see why the "group" can't make it a little bit eisier for us to come.

We don't have "meals" together because we always feel like if we ask to go over we're imposing and it just makes things hard on the "group". But then RARELY do they invite us over for "meals". And then every so often we get coments from people in the "group" that we always have dinner with a different "group" and they make it sound like we're being mean about it. The reason we go to the second "group" for meals is because they don't make us feel like they have to go out of their way for it and THEY INVITE US.

And I think as my last thought I will consetrate on how I feel like the "group" doesn't like me very much. The "group" always talks to Josh about everything, never me. They have a ( to put it...) "way of comunicating" with a larger portion of the "group" and they always act like we NEVER check the "way of comunicating" and it's a sin, and it ends up being my fault because I should be the one to check on it. The "group" ends up making me feel - by way of comments, or what-have-you - like I'm incompetent. Like just because I grew up "sheltered" or not in the "group" I know nothing. The "group" debates on a regular basis, and if I try to make a comment I'm either wrong, the "group" interupts, or I don't know what I'm talking about. I never feel excepted. I'm just the appendage that one day appeared at Josh's side.

Side note : We got cute pictures taken:) Here's one. And have a nice day.


Bryan and Brianna said...

Ok, I'll admit I don't know who you're talking about, not that that matters. But I'm really sorry. I'm kinda going through a similar situation with my "non-mormon friends." But ya, if you need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you. And I'm sorry that they make you feel incompetent. No one should make you feel that way, and that's just horrible. Anyway, I love you, and I hope everything works out.