Monday, August 22, 2011

The Move

I'm just so stinking excited!

For the last year and a half - since Josh lost his job - by golly it's felt like the world has been saying "hey Jessica - IT SUCKS TO BE YOU! SUCKA!" with Josh's job, and the having to move in with mom, dealing with depression, family issues, loosing the house and CONTINUEING to live with my mom. It was just a terrible, no good, very bad year and a half.

But we finally got on our feet and we were able to look at apartments and found the most perfect apartments! They're cheep, and Just big enough for our little family, nice big patio/porch thing, and a park in in the middle of the complex. It's just perfect. And now I'm finally unpacked enough to start my sad excuse for decorating:) (I will SO be posting pictures of that stuff as I move along:). And Baby has her own room, and I can clean when ever I want! and I'm just loving every second of this! oh! not to mention that the managers are SO good about matenance:)

(on a side note I just got my COMPUTER DESK! WOO-HOO!!!)

And so far the very best part is we were finally able to go to our new ward this last sunday. And they were SO great:) Now I have to tell you why this is such a big deal for me. When Josh and I got married, we went to our new ward thinking things would be just great and the people would be just lovely - and noone even said hi. They didn't even read our names into the new ward for I think 6 weeks, and they got them WRONG! Noone sat by me, noone tried to be my friend. It was a bad expirience. So I was kind of dreading this new ward, terrified it would be like our old ward, and I was so pleasently surprised with how friendly everyone was! I dropped Baby off at nursery and the nursery leader was just so bubbly and fun that Baby barely even noticed me leaving! Releif Society was good, had a nice lesson. Then at the end I had 3 different women come welcome me into the ward:)Went to meet Josh in sunday school and was welcomed by a member of the bishopric, and welcomed by 3 or 4 different people by the start of class:) great class! Then sacrament meeting we got lots of smiles (sat infront of some roudy kids and I'm sure I didn't make any friends when I told them to shush:). Then after we just got this huge rush of people to welcome us! Litterally, we had people waiting in line to to say hi:) I was even invited to come join a play date group that a bunch of mommies in the ward do every week:) it was just SO nice:) it's like I was transferred to a new school and all the cool girls wanted me to join their possy! I was so happy and I officially and STOKED to go to church every sunday:)
(for more information go to LDS.ORG)

(us infront of our apartment)

We are just loving it! And we're so loving being in our own space!


Bryan and Brianna said...

Yay!! I'm so happy your ward is so good!! I hate when I go to a not so good ward, so I'm really excited for you guys!! :D