Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baggy vrs Boobs

Well you see I've always had the opinion that people like this :

ARE SILLY! I personally see this boys and I have to FIGHT the earge to run up behind them and pants them! they are just ASKING for it! Why else would they show off they're unders like that if they didn't want you to see the rest of it???

And I've told Josh this everytime I see one of those silly boys, then the other night Josh told me something that just cracks me UP!

WE were watching So You Think You Can Dance on Hulu and and Mary Murphy was wearing one of her extravagant dresses -oh, woah! look at that! that dress shows of some super cleavage and I had an epifany, if as a woman I see guys with butts hanging out and want to pants them, it stands to reason that women who wear stuff like this:

deserve to have someone pop their boobs out! They're ASKING FOR IT! just as much as the boys above are! I just wish people could have some kind of common sence when they get dressed in the morning...

The End

Love Mush:)


Bryan and Brianna said...

SO true!!! I never thought of it like that, but I completely agree with you! :) Thanks for posting!