Friday, May 18, 2012

Five Years

Its been 5 whole years :) 

Hubby found this video a few weeks ago and told me that  He thought of me when he heard this song :) and I think it's just about a perfect way to describe what we've got.

Truth be told we could both be living just fine with out each other, but why would we want to?

I'd be doing a lot more stuff with my girlfriends, I would probably go dancing every week, I would have job paying enough for me to get bye without too much hassel, I'd go places, I'd do things, might've even gotten some college in by now (lol, MAYBE) would've dated a whole lot more than I did, heck I'd probably still be driving my little white taurus:) It's true, I'd prolly be a better football fan :) I really don't think I'd be eating out as much as we do :) I'd prolly be a lot more skinny ...
        But in all reality...
I hate "going and doing" by myself, I Love dancing with my husband, I'd much rather have gone through all of our financial issue stuff that we've gone through NOW then wait years and years and have to figure out how to deal in the middle of my life, dating was ok but SO awekward, And I love my Reeba car now :) I love that you do fast food to give me a brake on some nights :) I'd hate going to bed alone everynight, not having someone to talk to, I love that I have someone to talk to, someone who knows me better than anyone else ever has or ever will. And thanks to Us, we have the most beautiful baby girl and another beautiful baby on the way.

I'm not saying we've had marital bliss! Heaven knows I've wanted to kill the man a few times (and I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with). I've heard from some people (and their blogs *angry eyes*) that people think we mormons have it wrong, getting married so young as some of us do, having issues with each other and just causing more and more issues as time goes on. But the way I see it, EVERY married couple has issues - you don't always hear it, but they do - I'm having the same problems that people getting married at 30 would've had, the difference is I'm getting them out of the way early :). I'll have most of a lifetime to just enjoy being married, getting all of the yucky stuff out of the way while we're young. And I think getting married younger helped us a bit too :) we got the chance to grow TOGETHER. I would imagine that getting married older you've "found yourself" and all that good stuff, so in getting married thats just another thing to add to the pot, is now "yourself" has to get used to dealing with another person allllll the time.

*Sorry, off the beeten path there a little :) let the record show : to each their own:) I don't truely care when you get married, thats your choice:) Just read something in someones blog that erked me a twinge...:) *

The truth is I'm just glad that he's mine :) I love him very very much :). All these years I've told him time and again how very lost he would be with out me (and it's true!) but the truth is, I would be lost with out him. Heavenly Father made him special for me and I'm so glad that I found him.

I love you My Boy :) Come What May :)