Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My New Toy!!!

I got a new toy! It's very exiting! It's a Nikon Coolpix, the kind that Ashton Kutcher (?) uses in his commercials, So yeah it's kind of like I'm a celebrity now:) Any who, I've been have WAY too much fun taking pictures of...oh...just about EVERYTHING! I love it! I'm definately thinking that I need to convince Josh to take me somewhere pretty so I can take pictures!

As side notes :
I'm so happy to be back home. I dunno what it is, it's prolly just that I'm in my own space again. Maeby is kinda sleeping better...kinda. Once again it's not like OH MY GOSH sleeping better but it's prolly just that we're in separate rooms that makes it seem better. :).

Maeby is getting SO BIG! It's amazing! She loves, loves, loves her barney tape, we watch the SAME episode of least 3 times a day everyday:). And her "vocabulary" is getting bigger too! The list : She says : Dog, Ball, Balloon (sound like ball but she definately thinks she's saying balloon), fish, mush, Dada, Mama, Shoe (any thing with an "sh" in it is just "SHH" but she knows the difference:)), No (more of a "Nnn" but still:)), and woof-woof (for what the dog says)...And I think that's it... And she can sign : candy, food, dog, Daddy, cheese, red, orange, and blue, more...I think there are more but I can't think of them...OH! and she knows what the fish and the snake say:) Like I said she's getting so big! AHH! and you should see her Dance-a-Dance! AHH!!! she's got some crazy hip action:) LoL

Another plus of being home is I've decided that I'm not going to be uber worried about the house selling:) I love my house and if I'm going to have to live here for a bit then I'm going to be happy about it:) And as such for my deciding to not worry to much about moving, I've never really wanted to get into decorating because we never planned on staying here long, BUT now I've decided I'm going to start! So I'm finally going to get curtains in Maeby's room that match the pain on the walls and I'm going to do the Back room! I'm very excited:)

I'm SUPER excited for our anniversary this year! You see our issue is that Josh got me that AMAZING vacation package for my birthday, but then we found out that we would have to pay airfair and we have not the fundage for that (side note : we are trying to sell it if any one is interested. For friends I would only ask $250). So then we were going to set aside tax return money and do a couple days staying in salt lake, but then we realized getting someone to tend Maeby for 3 days would not work and we had extra bills come out so no dice. So now we're just gonna do a Day Date:) a WHOLE day! Gonna get up early and spend the whole day just the two of us doing fun things that we like :) and I'm WAY excited!

I think I'm going to stop chattering now:)


Shalay said...

Sounds like fun!! I'm really happy for you!! Pictures looks great too!! I miss you!