Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fondant and the Fourth

this blog update contains a HUGE amount of pictures:)

So yours truely has been watching watching WAY to much Cake Boss:) So I decided to be my very own cake boss and make a fancy cake:) So here are the amazing adventrues of my cake. I went online and found a recipe for pound cake (it had me worried a bit 'cause all the little comments from people said it was hard and that sometimes the cake just doesn't turn out...but it really wasn't hard:)) Any way...then I accidentally double the batch:) I'm awesome like that. Maeby has decided that she loves using the electric beaters! She used to hate them then one day she decided they were ok!

I know I'm a giant goober face in this picture but I was SO STOKED that I acctually got the first layer to work! YAY ME!
*the second layer*
And this is my AMAZING CAKE! YAY! I was so stinking proud! And check me out getting all patriotic with my bad self! I've decided I'm the Mormon cake boss....
Then before we went to uncle Dave and Aunt Cheryl's I decided that we hadn't had family pictures in a bit and we were looking all patriotic so we took some pictures:) Surprisingly enough Mae was ok with this! Despite the look of "no" on her face:)
And then the fireworks with family! Josh was deemed the "responsible adult" and was therefore in charge of the punks and the sparklers, needless to say Josh was ok with this plan:)
And Maeby was less ok with this plan. She spent the whole hour outside sitting on someones lap (HUGE thing for mae, she NEVER sits still with someone for even 5 minutes, let alone WANTS to sit on peoples laps for an entire hour) because apparently the fireworks were a bit frightening:)
And in case anyone has ever wondered what fireworks look like to people who have bad eyesight and watch them with out they're spectacles - this is it. Random balls of light:)
And here are random pictures of fireworks:)
Hope everyone had a FANTABULOUS Fourth of July!

Ps - I know some family wanted the recipe for the fondant and the cake so they'll get they're own separate blog following this one:)


Alicia Clingman said...

That cake looks delish! And your pictures are really cute! I love the one with yours and Maeby's toe nails!! byw it was great seeing you guys yesterday!