Sunday, December 5, 2010

Festival of Trees

We went to the festival of trees and it was pretty great:) They had some FABULOUS trees:) made me all a twitter for christmas! here are some trees:)

Just for you pam:) a whole tree of "I love you"'s

Wizard of Oz:) if you look at the house it has wee bitty red slippers stick out from underneath!

'Arry Potter!

I LOVE THIS TREE! I realllllly love it! I want to make one...

OMG!!! EDWARD! No! JACOB! NO WAIT! Ed-jak... OMG!!!!!!!!! :)

Fish tree! Also loved this one:)

Clown tree! and guess what...I LOVE IT!

Cookie Monster tree:) MAEBY loved this one:)

not tree...but it was really pretty:)

snowman! loved it!

This one spinned around!

my picture makes it look like just a mesh of candy but it really was this HUGE little (haha oxymoron) town made out of candy!

GIANT BUBBLES!!! you stand there and you can blow a bubble in the bubble!

You could call the NORTH POLE!!!!!

There you have it:) festival of trees:) good stuff:)

The End.