Friday, October 29, 2010

FiVe QuEsTioN FriDaY!

1. If you could be a fly on any wall, which would you choose?

2. Do you budget your Christmas shopping or just get it done without budgeting?

3. What is the craziest fad diet you have ever done?

4. Is there a TV show that you have seen every episode/season of?

5. What one song always pulls at your heart?

1. If you could be a fly on any wall, which would you choose?...I'm not sure this question makes sense...*checks origianal question* OH! I missed the "on ANY wall" part:) lol
Ummm...I really don't know...huh...I really don't know...yeah, I can't tell you...back in high school I might've been able to pick something random and funny:) but for now, nothing:)

2. Do you budget your Christmas shopping or just get it done without budgeting?I huge budget! I plan out what i'm getting each person and how much it costs and where I can get it cheapest, i'm super silly like that...

3. What is the craziest fad diet you have ever done?
I did a "cheating diet pill" drink 2 glasses of water with the pill half an hour before dice. I know, you're shocked.

4. Is there a TV show that you have seen every episode/season of?
Buffy the Vampire slayer, Angel, Law and order SVU...and I'm working on say yes to the dress:)

5. What one song always pulls at your heart?
Your gonna miss this, and I hope you dance:) I hope you Dance always makes me cry:) dancing is Jessicas ..."life motto" I guess you could say. And my baby is a dancer, and you know, the mommy in me just hopes she always gets what she needs, always feels loved, keeps moving forward, and never knows fear:)

And there you have it:)Check me out! got wordless wensday and 5QF both in one week! I'm so good:)

Tomorrow is fake halloween! I LOVE HALLOWEEN! So expect a big blog full of lots of silly pictures:)YAY HALLOWEEN!