Monday, October 18, 2010


In todays story we hear the woefull tale of a sad young woman

This person, my friends cousins sisters pet hampsters sisters grandmas owners aunt-
We'll call her Hanna.
well, it just so happens that *Hanna* lives with one of the most IRRITATING people on the planet-
we'll call him Ugene.
So *Hanna* tries very hard to get along with all of her room mates, but then every so often *Ugene* does something so SELFISH that she just can't keep herself calm!
For instance :
There was once that the roommates went to a hot dog festival, but *Ugene* and *Hanna*'s significant other -
we'll call him Franchesco
Weren't able to come
*croud sighs*
So the roommates were able to bring home 5 polish dogs to be shared between those that couldn't be there and to have as left overs.
The next day *Franchesco* came home from a tiring day of work and was greated with happy thoughts of eating a delishous polish dog! But when *Franchesco* went to the fridge to fetch his polish...There were none to be found!
*croud gasps*
In questioning *Ugene* we found that he had come home from work late the night of the hot dog festival to find the polish dogs, and proceded to eat 3 posish dogs for dinner and 2 for breakfast the next morning, leaving NONE for *Franchesco*.
*croud boo's*

In another recent situation The roommates had a celebratory dinner celebrating a friends engagement-
we'll call her Becky.
For dinner there was delightfull salad and garlic bread and the hostess's AMAZING Lasagna! Unfortunately again *Ugene* and *Franchesco* we not able to be there as they had to work.
*croud sighs*
But after dinner it was guarenteed that there would be plenty of left over to satisfy both boys hunger.
*croud cheers*
The next day *Franchesco* came home once again with a longing for the delightfull Lasagna that awaited him in the fridge! But when looking for it, none could be found!
In questioning *Ugene* we found again that he had consumed ALL of the left over Lasagna yet again, leaving none for *Franchesco*
*croud dabs at tears*

Sadly there is yet no happy ending to these tales of wo. Poor *Hanna* finds herself sad, not only for *Franchesco* who recieves to left overs, but also for *Ugene* who is going to end up terribly unhealthy if he does not stop consuming all of the left overs!

I'd like to thank you for joining us in this weeks tale of wo. We hope to see you again next time on :

Thank you and good day.

*Names and situations have been changed for the safety of the narrator*


Bryan and Brianna said...

I can sorta, kinda, maybe guess at what you're talking about (and I'm sorta, kinda sure that I'm right).. Anyway, I'm sorry! Again, I hope things get better. You know... I'm living like 45 minutes away... So, if you ever need anyone to provide you with a distraction, and some entertainment.. I'm here. :) (at least M-F til 230pm and basically anytime Sat-Sun, for now). :) So give me a holler, should you want some entertainment, I'd be more than happy to oblige. :D (and if you don't have my # message me on FB, and I shall give it to you). :)