Monday, October 18, 2010

Good Bye *eww-y* Tree

I haven't blogged in like a was a bad week...ANY WAY! So I figured I would share one of our adventures this weekend:)
The Apricot tree we've had in the back yard for YEARS (like, really. I think it was there when we moved in 14 years ago) has finally said bye-bye. Through the years it has made delicious nectar and jams and beautiful blossoms in the spring...and rotting messed in the fall... But yay verily, it bit the dust. It has been nasty infested by Gnats and Aphids.
Here are the pictures:)

The tree when we were about half way through...

The Aphids :P Nasty little things, When we'd pull off the branches the Gnats and Aphid would fall off like rain, IT WAS NASTY.

The webs near the tree were completely covered in Gnats and Aphids!

Bye-Bye tree. if you look close Ellen has Gnats all over her back!

There you have it:)

The End.


Bryan and Brianna said...

Eek!! Yay for no more nasty, bug-infested trees! (And I'm sorry it wasn't a good week for you! I hope this one gets better)!