Monday, February 21, 2011

The Great - Emptying

Let the record show we still have 11 days!!!

ANY WHO! yesterday we took all of our belongings out of the Ogden house:) it was bitter-SWEET. It was sad, cause I do love the house, and that was OUR house, thats the house we moved into when we got married, I found out I was pregnant in that house, I brought my baby home in that house, baby learned to walk in that house.
AND YET, in that same house, we had a giant tree fall through our fence, our washer exploded, we shared the abode with household centipedes, where we had to change the faucet in the tub, where the stupid security people put a giant whole in my wall, where I locked myself out of the car thousands of times...

Like I said bitter - SWEEEEEET!

We got cousin Aaron to help us then outta the blue mamma pam and new daddy dale and brandon came to help and the FABULOUS Dale went out and rented piano dolly's and let us store my piano in his storage unit so I could keep it:) he's so cool! But everyone was so amazingly helpful! Aaron got us a truck from his work and everything, stayed the whole 12 hour day helping us move! Family is so cool!

and now - PICTURES!

Giant spider! I only found two in the whole emptying though:) oh, and one dead cricket:)

Joshua got me these flowers:) I think for valentines day but I was afraid of transporting them so...I took a picture of them and threw them away...:)

These two make me laugh:) they're funny:)

Bye-Bye house:)

So Sad...


We have gooberous ammounts of stuff:)

Yay for being done!!!

ta-da!!! So glad it's done, now we can shut off the gas and send in paper work and wait for the bank to be done:)

Thank you for your time:)

The End!