Friday, February 18, 2011

Scanning Electron Microscope photos

This is just so Cool!!! Yeah for technology:)

An Ant holding a microchip

Surface of an Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory silicon microchip

Eyelash hairs growing from human skin

The surface of a strawberry:) mmm:)

Bacteria on a human tongue...*sudders*

Human Sperm *giggles silly-like*

The hooks and loops of Velcro:)

Household dust: includes long hairs of cat fur, twisted synthetic and woollen fibres, serrated insect scales, a pollen grain, and plant and insect remains

The weave of nylon stocking fibers

Head of a mosquito

Head louse on human hair

Eight eyes...on the head of a tarantula...*HUGE SHUDDER*

Hair and shaving cream on razor blades

Corroded surface of a rusty nail

Mushroom Spores

Clutch of butterfly eggs on a raspberry plant

Calcium phosphate crystal

The end


Bryan and Brianna said...

Some of those were really nasty! BUT they were all very cool! Thanks for sharing!! :)