Monday, November 1, 2010

I *heart* HALLOWEEN!

So incase anyone doesn't know, I super duper love Halloween! So here we go with the gooberous amount of pictures:)

Along with Halloween in the Jensen house come a LOT of birthdays:) so happy birthday to me and madre and padre! (and baby next week:) haha)

Then we went to the baby brotheres Halloween parade:)They had a couple of really cool costumes:)

MICHAEL JACKSON! Theis kids costume is good! And then Avatar:) Is that not so cool!

Then cvome the pumbkins!!! Carving pumkins is so much fun! I love it!
Funny story of this year: my mom usually waits untill the last minute *usually halloween day* to get pumkins. We had to drive to...5, yes FIVE different stores to get pumpkins, no joke! everyone was out! And them when we did find some they were the bottom of the barrel:) no joke, all growing on their side, all lumpy and green:) they were awesome!

Maeby painting her pumkin:)

My pumkin:)

Baby sisters pumkin

Ye Pirates be warned....(josh's pumkin;))

Madre's pumkin

Baby brothers Tiki pumkin (tilt your head that way <-- to see)

My friends pumkins:) I thought they were most awesome:)

And then the Costumes! I love halloween for this reason! I'm a grown woman with a baby and I have the amazing ability to wear willy costumes and be like a kid playing dress up:)
Here we go!

Baby sister was Medusa:) is that not AWESOME!!!

My baby was Little Red Riding Hood! Is she not the cutest!?! we tried doing curlers too:) ...didn't much work out...thus the lack in in cute curly-headed pictures:)

Joshua was a mime:) (as was baby brother but I missed in the picture taking of him...)

And I was Mother nature:) Ta-Da!!!

And there you have it:) an hour later I have finally loaded all the pictures:)

I love halloween!

The End.


Bryan and Brianna said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I really like the costumes! Definitely yours! So cool!! :) And I love the pumpkins.. I wish I had cool pumpkin carving skills like that.. But, I don't. :) I'm glad you had a fun weekend. :D

Bonnie said...

You are the most artistic family ever!!