Friday, November 19, 2010

Jessica's Random Trip Planning

So a about a week ago Hubby and I watched the movie Angels and Demons
*as a side note, I followed way more of that movie than I thought I would:)*
and in the movie the went to the Vatican City! And OH MY GLACIERS! I really want to go now! So, I googled and googled and googled and this is what I've got:)

You can have an "Audience with the Pope" !

All these people gather in a room, big room, holds like 5,000 people. and you can listen to the pope talk:) every Wensday:) BUT it's crazy! You have to get there like 3 or 4 hours early, AND you have to right/fax a guy (...can't remember who...) with pretty much an essay saying why you should be able to go have and Audience with the Pope. They have to evaluate it and decide weather you can go. INTENSE.

See the Sistine Chapel

I know you might be surprised by this, but I Jessicas right brain just really wants to go look at the really pretty paintings! I mean really! How Beautiful is this!?

The Vatican Museum

again, Jessica's right brained-ness just really likes museums:)

Go watch St. Peters Square

Then you have to climb the dome of St. Peter's Bisilica And the picture above is the veiw you get! isn't that beautiful!?

Then you have to go tour the Castel Sant' Angelo

This was once a mausoleum, then it was used as a fortress and castle for popes and now it is a museum:)

See the Vatican Gardens

How pretty right!? I would love to be able to go and take pictures there!

And last but not least - you have to see (slash be amused at) the Swiss Guards:)

Aren't their uniforms the best thing EVER!??! They were created in 1914. And they are super strict about who they let into their guard. Their standards : Single male between the ages of 19 and 30, Catholic, 5'9" tall or taller, and a swiss citizen with a high school diploma or professional degree.

AMAZING! I really want to go see it! It just looks so amazing! All the art! this whole city is just completely drowning in art! And I love it! And did you know that there is a wall going ALL the way around the Vatican City??? No joke!

Any way:) thought I'd share:)

The End.


Shalay said...

I LOVE the Vatican!! It is so beautiful! Did you know it's actually its own country. The smallest country in the world! And it is amazing! You would love it!!