Friday, November 26, 2010

5 Question Friday...*ACHOO*

Good gravey, I'm so sickly, and tired, and tired of being sickly.
Five Question Friday goes onward!!
So copy and paste the questions and the picture from the blog below and GO TO TOWN!

1. What is your favorite part of a Thanksgiving meal?

2. Are you a host or a guest for Thanksgiving this year?

3. When you think of one Thanksgiving tradition, what comes to mind?

4. You have two pieces of pie in front of you and you HAVE to eat you choose pumpkin or pecan?

5. Are you a Black Friday Shopper?

1.ooooooh:) there are so many! My mom is the thanksgiving QUEEN! She makes homemade stuffing that I actually like! and she makes the best mashed potatos and gravey! And she makes this mormonized jello salad that is AMAZING! it has pineapple and carrots and cheese and whipped creem and walnuts! It's to die for and the turkey! AH! My mom has made an art out of turkey cooking! GAH! it's so great! AND my mom is the pie QUEEN! pecan, walnut chocolate chip, coconut creme, apple, pumkin! she's AMAZING!!!!

2. Mostly's happening in "my" house/the house I'm abiding in. But this whole sick thing made it not so easy to help with dinner :/

3. ....turkey....thats all I got...OH! I love the tradition of turkey soup the next night and turkey sandwiches for the next week:)

4. I've got pumkin and pecan....and I have to eat JUST one...oh...I'm not super fond of either...poo...I think I'll cheat and do half of each, that way I can alternate and not HATE them both:)

5. Yes mam:) I went with my AMAZING friend Whitney:) it was great! crazy people at walmart:) turning the wrong way 3 or four times AND I found what I wanted to get josh!!! AAAAAAND I only got and hour and a half of sleep last night! Yay for me:)

I am now going to go to bed and be sickly:)

The End.