Friday, August 27, 2010


you gho to this blog use the little logo and get the questions then use them! Ta-Da!

1. How many pets do you have?

2. If you could switch places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?

3. What is your favorite money saving tip?

4. What do you want your kids to be when they grow up?

5. What is your favorite quote?

1. Clay:) he's my old fatty:)I got him for my 10th birthday ...he's ...12/13 ish:) he's been my bestie when I was alllll alone:) he's a favorite:)

2. Me, 3 years ago. no joke:) just for one day, I'd like to go back to before we married, when we were still kids, with out a care in the world:) it was all about fun and heaven forbid anyone get in our way:) back before cares and all we knew was love and having a good time:) living life to the fullest. with out bills, without a mortgage with out kids. Just being kids. carefree.

3.HAHA! I like this one! Don't eat out. don't eat out, no soda. and in between shopping trips if you run out of something DON'T go to the store to buy it, work around it:)

4. Happy:) As long as she's happy she can be what ever she wants:)

5. oh snap...I gots so like you can't die, love like you won't get hurt and dance like noones watching.
I need a new one I'm up to hearing new ones:) go ahead, leave me a comment with your favorite quote:)

The End:)


Anonymous said...

Flying is easy: Just throw yourself at the ground, and MISS! :) This one is favorite~!!!