Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Preface to Wordless Wednesday

So I saw this on another blog and I REALLY want to start it so I'm going to tomorrow, but I have to tell you now cause I can't tomorrow:)

Let me explain.

I am a super right brained person:) I love pictures and looking at life in different ways. So the other day when I ran across some random blog I decided it was SO a Jessica thing:) How it works : you post a picture. That is it. No words, no explanation, nothing. Thus Wordless Wednesday and why I had to tell you today as apposed to tomorrow:) So the picture will either be a picture that I love or one that explains the mood I'm in, or maybe even one that I've drawn. I'm all about pictures trying to tell you something, they are a way of expressing what your feeling or how you look at things (as is art):) And since I'm a super artsy person (or at least I think so:)) So they'll be pictures I've taken or a picture I've taken of a picture I've drawn:) lol. I'm SUPER excited about this:) I still don't know what I'm going to post!

Any way so thats how things are going to work:) I guess if you really wanna know what the picture I post is about you can comment and ask me what the heck is going on...but thats up to you:)

OH! and incase your a nerd like me and like taking random tests about random things *tee-hee* Then here's a link to a quiz to tell you whether your more right or left brained:

as always, enjoy life, have fun and rub some dirt in it:)

The End.