Monday, September 13, 2010

Cause all the cool kids do it!

Shalay did it so if I don't do it I'll end up WAY less cool than Shalay, and we just can't have that;)
*Drumroll begins*
Jessica got a follower:) I don't know:) lol any way, I'm so cool so I thought you would all like to know just how cool I am:) bo-yah! So hi there new follower - ColorAillidh. And here's hoping your not a stalker! Woo-hoo!
*Drumroll ends*
Any way!
So random update cause I need something to do...
I'm starting a "wellness chalange" so I CAN BE THE BEST ME! lol --> <-- it seems harmless enough. And I'm tire of being a fatty so Me and my mom and sister are giving it a go:) we'll see how it goes:)
Made s'mores last night:) it was fun:)
We might should be finishing (FINALLY!) this week. AND we have figured out what we're doing in the downstairs battroom! and it allows Jessica to be all crafty! two words : POLKA DOTS!!! YAY! I love polka dots:)
why are they called polka dots...
*snickers* polka means "polish woman"
*continues googling*
ok, so it's pretty much that "dotted patterns" were still popular when the HUGE craze of doing the dance called the "Polka" started. They also had Polka hats and polka gauze...
there you have it, a look into my random thinking.
I love google..

The End.