Friday, September 24, 2010

*insert french accent* 5 Question Friday

Thats right it's 5 question friday! go to this blog copy the question and pictures and have fun! WOO!

1. If you could speak with a different accent, what would it be (i.e Australian, Scottish)?

2. Can you fall asleep anywhere? (i.e floor, couch, deck)

3. Do you use public restrooms? If so, do you sit on the toilet?

4. If you were stuck in an elevator for 24 hours, what celebrity would you most want to be stuck with?

5. Where did you & your significant other go on your 1st date?

1. I WOULD DO FRENCH!!! I think it's so...pretty, and sexy! with the puckered lips! I LOVE IT!

2. hmm...prolly not...I've turned into something of a germ/bug-phobia person...The thought of whats walked on...the deck for instance, and the BUGS that crawl accross it! EWWW!!! but if I had no other choice, yes.

3. Ewww, I avoid it at all costs! the thought of other people sitting on it! And we've all watched those shows where they uncover how the employees really clean and how dirty that seat is! EWW! and my mom told me she saw on Dr. Oz. that if you don't flush with the lid down the water spews every where when you flush - NOW imagine that in a public bathroom!!!!! GAG!!!! And lots of people don't wash their hands! EWW!!! OH! and I hate when you go in there and the seat is WARM!!! EWWWWWWW!!!! *sorry, germ-a-phob...*

4. umm...a country singer! and her guitar! and we could sing while waiting for them to fix it! HOW FUN!

5. AWW:) I like these questions:) We went to a Harlem Globetrotters game:) with Josh's little brother. haha:) it was great:)